Is there any other way to get that old look on a sign other than David K.'s step-by-step process on
[ December 08, 2003, 08:40 PM: Message edited by: Laura Butler ]
Posted by Bob Burns (Member # 268) on :
Beat the hell out of it with a heavy chain!!!
Posted by Chuck Churchill (Member # 68) on :
Leave it out in a snowbank for a week or so. Maybe by the side of I69 so it gets a little salt with the slush!
Posted by Tom & Kathy Durham (Member # 3680) on :
We do alot of antique repro signs. I usually start with an old board. Then I decide about the background. Sometimes this can be the most important part. If I choose to make it natural, then on to the second step. If I choose a color, then I usually decide whether the background is a solid color or whether I'm reverving the the lettering. If the latter, then I paint all the background the lettering color. If I want a solid color background then eith way I probably will use a watered down latex paint. The lettering I do is painted in either latex or poster. I think some of the sucess in making the sign look old is not to worry about covered. Pick a brush and paint that you are confortable with and quickly letter the sign. Do Not Worry about coverage.After the sign is lettered, I use a 50 grit sand paper to remove paint. You can use a wire brush or finer sand paper but I think the coarser the better. Edges must be softened but use of a hammer( beat down the edges) or sanding. I have used orange shelax over the signs to add color but never leave a gloss, always soften with steel wool. If all else failsssssss, lie and say it's old. Practice and play, something will work.
Posted by Mike Languein (Member # 319) on :
click on the antique signs folder. If you see a style you like email me and I'll 'splain it to you.
Better yet, ask Mark Fair how he does his.
Posted by Robert Larkham (Member # 2913) on :
I know someone who will remain nameless who used to bury signs in cow manuer for some time to speed up the ageing process. It worked and fooled many people.
Posted by John Arnott (Member # 215) on :
Laura, If you need any info, call Mike. . . .he is the true expert. John