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Posted by BrianTheBrush (Member # 1298) on :
Hello all,

Steve, Paulette and I got back last night from the USSC show in A.C. Matt "Mattman" Murray and his wife Nancy had a flat tire in the storm heading back towards Newark Sunday, and missed their flight...last I heard, they were driving back to Rochester late last night.

Storm???Snow????It's funny how you perceive things...a few inches of snow, and they're shutting down Atlantic City. Western New York gets that much snow in May..INDOORS (Right Bruce?!). Anyways, they closed the show early on Saturday because of the weather.

It was great seing old friends in the Bullpen...Artie, Tramp, Brucie (Margie is a saint), A.J., Howie, Bill, Caroline, Karen, Bruce Gough, Julian, the Mikes (Frederick and Z),Joe Chisels, Paul, Letterman, the Cannots, Harry and so many more. Even some not-so-old friends showed up (long drive, eh Donald). The Confederate Crew was there, Ryan, Joe... the Rebel Yellers! Got to meet Devon from Maine...Just a good time in general.

There were minor wrinkles...a fire alarm Saturday morning forced the evacuation of the Convention Center into the wind and snow, Butch being Butch, and the A.C.C.C. parking garage filling up by 9 am, forcing you to park wherever ya could...but all in all, USSC did their usual great job of hosting a show. Thanks to USSC board for their efforts. Nice Jackets. (and no, I still didn't get ANY jacket, no less a snappy one!)

It's nice to be home. Back to the snowblower, phones, email, customers bothering me, the 14 hour days. Did I say it was nice to be home?

Anyways, if you didn't make Show World this year, plan on it for next year...and in the mean time, have happy and healthy holidays.

Keep on keepin on,

Brian Briskie
Posted by Ryan E Young (Member # 2325) on :
"Confederate Crew" You have inadvertently coined my new favorite phrase. Your the man Brian! YEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW!
Posted by BrianTheBrush (Member # 1298) on :
Nuthin' inadvertant about it pal...although I "'boutnear" called ya the "Rebel Yellers".

Had a blast. Looking forward to seeing you cats again.

B the B
Posted by DONALD THOMPSON (Member # 3726) on :
What an amazing weekend. It was good to see that you never change. Always a straight shooter.
I do have a bright yellow shirt for you when you come in March, just to add a little color to your wardrobe.

Did anyone notice how the kids reacted when they visited the Bullpen? Those kids from the Salvation Army center seemed so amazed and appreciative
Posted by Devin Fahie (Member # 3961) on :
Great show this year, fantastic work in the Bullpen. Hopefully next year I will have a brush in my hand! I got to meet Brian, and See Donald's work in the Bullpen, as well as many other awesome pieces of work. Saturday was a little noisy, everyone raided the poor coat check lady during the alarm! Had a great time talking to Art, Tramp , Bruce & Brian (who is kick ass!), and many other fine sign-guys & gals. Thanks all, looking forward to next year.

[ December 09, 2003, 09:32 PM: Message edited by: Devin Fahie ]

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