That's pretty spacey. Looks rather energizing...It would be interesting to see it everyday on a wall somewhere. I like it.
Posted by Michael Boone (Member # 308) on :
doidious-eze is a difficult language to master visuals always seem to help can you convert it to a wave file?
Posted by Michael Boone (Member # 308) on :
Im seein double to the 2nd power... wow a 4 dimensional floater..
[ December 06, 2003, 11:54 PM: Message edited by: Michael Boone ]
Posted by dave parr (Member # 3868) on :
That .wav file is going to massive is going to be going to be massive is going to be massive! ... ... ... Michael Michael Michael
Since we are on the subject of mass, explain this!
Posted by Michael Boone (Member # 308) on :
the imitation red thongus expands at an exponental rate causing the nucleus to move off center destroying the blend of a 1000 years as it does so. the initiating factor in the mass equation is the fact that 2 of my posts have been deleted... after that its simple logic
Posted by dave parr (Member # 3868) on :
So thought those that studied the problem. Might there be another perspective?
Posted by Delzell (Member # 1965) on :
Okay, the first one is the thong in concept (Or just a gleam in the eye)
Second one is bug eyed as the thought escapes but ends up on Steve instead of Barb!
Posted by dave parr (Member # 3868) on :
a clue!
G -> H -> ... -> SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) -> SU(3) x U(1).
Posted by Gavin Chachere (Member # 1443) on :
Its a picture and equation used to describe superstring theory in a simplified way.....theory that says basically everything is made up of very small strings that connect and vibrate in a 10dimensional space/time school of thought in physics believe that in one theory the universe was once 10 dimensional and was sort of symmetrical but was falsely stable,some thing caused instability and the 10 dimensional universe became severly unstable and split into 2 parts,a 4 dimensional one and a 6 dimensional.. In the split the 4 dimensional model is split up/blown apart and can then expand an inlfate itself at an infinite rate, and the 6 dimensional model remains,shrinks and forms itself into a smaller almost spherical model/ball smaller than the size of an atom and out of our ability to percieve it or measure it. The infinite expansion rate of the 4dimensional model is what caused the Big Bang..and clears the way for the creation of this universe and others like it. String theory is also what some people in modern physics feel is the bridge between quantum mechanics and general relativity that einstein never found b4 he died.
Posted by Roy Frisby (Member # 736) on :
That's simple. This is a view thru the porthole of a space ship approaching Neptune and two of its moons which are in alignment. The red object is the mother ship of the infamous RED THONG civilization that is orbiting the Neptune system. A member of this alien civilization is said to be right here among us in Letterville. Anyone care to venture a guess who he might be? Posted by dave parr (Member # 3868) on :
You guys nailed it. Cosmic Strings! & the mayor wears one of the strings that binds "Our Universe" together.
Oh, ...My God, ...It's full of scarves!
[ December 07, 2003, 12:08 PM: Message edited by: dave parr ]