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Posted by Dana Bowers (Member # 780) on :
... nope... its OURS!!!! Yippeeee!!!!!

We just got it from the dealer today after work. 2002 Cranberry Limited Edition, with all the bells and whistles... including heated seats!

We stumbled into the deal of a lifetime and couldn't pass it up. So now there's two of them cruisin the streets of Letterville!

Posted by Kathy Joiner (Member # 1814) on :
Merry Christmas!! Now trick it out like Sant's sleigh and go shopping, plenty of room for gifts.
Congratulations, and enjoy it.
Posted by Troy Haas (Member # 472) on :
Make that the 3rd one, Penny got hers last a year ago, 2003 Cranberry, she had to have THAT color [Smile] [Smile]
Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
A PT has been on my wish list since before they hit the dealer's showrooms.

I'm trying to convince Janis to replace her van with one. To no avail so far.

Last year when I got my pickup I was tempted, severely, but I need the ability to tow so it was out for now.

But I alway live in hope!

Posted by Jon Butterworth (Member # 227) on :
Yer right Dan .. they wouldn't pull the skin off a rice pudding [Wink]

The one's imported into OZ now have a V8 installed here. Gives them a bit more "grunt".

Dana ... I know it's been your dream since I've known you. Congratulations! Who get's to "flame" it ... you or Bruce? [Smile] We wanna see pics of the end results. No way can you leave it "ordinary" we want something WILD!
Posted by Stevo Chartrand (Member # 2094) on :
Bruce git out the brush and flame it!

Posted by Neil D. Butler (Member # 661) on :
Our shop Car is a PT, Since July of 2000, it's a 2001, I'm looking at the new Turbo's, if you are considering one of these cruisers please consider a turbo, there's no comparison in power between the two. I have over 80,000 km's on ours now, and I wish it had more power, it's really gutless as it is.
Posted by Rick Chavez (Member # 2146) on :
Me and my wife got cars, we looked at a PT Cruiser and we almost got a white one to trick out, but for some reason we went to a Toyota daeler and saw one of these in the showroom, we ordered one and got the 2nd one ordered, then my wife liked mine so much, she got one. People are already tricking them out, this one is slightly lowered with 18's, but I saw one with flames and it was sweet. Coming to the rest of the country soon!

(edited-I forgot the pic, DUH!!)
(EDITED AGAIN!-Congrats on you PT Dana and Bruce!!!)


[ December 06, 2003, 04:27 PM: Message edited by: Rick Chavez ]
Posted by Mike Pulskamp (Member # 3475) on :
Hey Rick,
I'm looking at an XB myself. So, Are you happy with it?
Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
PT's are great for...Salesperson Vehicles.
(Gas Mileage is good as well).
Great for EyeCatching Graphics!

Not a Workhorse for Business.......

Like to see what "You and Bruce" do with the (Candycoating of it!)...

Merry X-Mas! [Wink]
Posted by Dana Bowers (Member # 780) on :
I can't tell you how excited I am! It hasn't totally sunk in yet. We had talked about looking into getting a different car because it's tough to fit another couple into the backseat of the Mustang (the un-practicality of it has been rearing its ugly head lately), but not seriously yet.

Bruce was dropping his biz partner Tracy off at the dealer to get his car and happened to see a real sharp black 2001 sitting there. He brought me to see it, but even tho the salesman tried, I just couldn't do it. I hadn't looked into financing, values, etc etc etc and I am just TOO organized to not be prepared!

Finally the saleman says what is it? I said I always wanted a cranberry one. Turns out the sales manager is driving a 2002 one, so he talks to him, brings in it back to show it to us, and I hmmm'd long enough for him to offer it to us for $1000 more than the 2001.

Called the credit union and got 3.98% financing, so our car payment is only going up $20 a month! It has the remaining factory warranty, and we got it for almost $3000 less than loan value. How could we pass it up??

So now we are going to sell the Mustang. Its hard, cuz I REALLY like that car and there's nothing wrong with it. Plus its a very rare stock color. We're planning on putting it in storage til spring, unless we get someone who wants it now. It's going to be hard to see it go... but its really cool to see the PT sitting in the garage now!!
Posted by Rick Chavez (Member # 2146) on :
Hey Mike!
Yeah it's a really nice car, especially compared to the other cars around. After it broke in I get around 33-34 mpg. It drove a little go-cartish, but my last car was a Volvo Wagon, so it was a big switch for me. Love the fact that you don't have to haggle, made the experience nicer. The Chrysler dealer played a lot of games with me, all I wanted was a stripped down PT, they always sell there for 11,995.00, They didn't have white, I ordered one, they gave me the run around, so I stumbled into the Toyota Dealer and there it was, but they wouldnt let me drive it!!! I found a dealer willing to let me drive one, and I ordered one. This is when they dropped it off. People are finally getting used to them, but everytime I parked that thing,  - people wanted to know what it was.

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