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Posted by James Donahue (Member # 3624) on :
I've had this idea for a couple years and I wanted to tell others about it. Maybe you could point out why it wouldn't work, (besides the obvious, greed and money).

Anyway, any redneck worth his salt (are women too smart to be rednecks?) must have multiple vehicles dotting the landscape. And some of them actually work. I can afford the registration on them, but the insurance is what gets me. Some of these vehicles only get used occaisionally, and at any rate, I can only drive one at a time.

I know the ins companies have to be careful about other people driving the car, but I had this idea: What if there was an insurance policy that could be changed on line, daily, hourly, whatever. That is, let's say you've got to take the ladder truck out today. So you go to your ins website, click on which vehicle you plan to drive that day, and presto! it's covered. If one of your other vehicles got in a wreck that day, tough cookies. The price of the policy would be based on the highest priced individual policy. (If the ladder truck costs more to insure than the mini truck, that's the price of the policy).

I'm probably missing something here, but this sure seems like it would work for me.
Posted by Mike Pulskamp (Member # 3475) on :
I doubt that they have any comp coverage like that, but I had a friend who had liability coverage for himself driving anything he was licensed to drive. Talk to your agent. They are supposedly working for you.
Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :
I like the idea, however, the only time the redneck is on line is when he’s fishin’... and even then, he may be using dynamite.

In Texas, insurance is mandatory (insert government regulation joke here) and necessary for inspections and registering your vehicle. I think a significant percentage of Texas insurance policies are in effect only long enough to get the tags.

There has been some discussion of going to a state wide system whereby each vehicle is covered by a tax on gasoline–a pay as you drive plan. Those who cruise around in SUVs the size of small asteroids, whose fuel economy is measured in yards, would pay proportionately more. Poor families with a long commute might be negatively impacted by that process. Proponents of the system talk about tax credits for them. It makes way too much sense and there are too many special interest groups that would get pinched for it ever to pass.

On the subject of insurance, the insurance on my shop truck is triple the cost of that of the family car, although it gets only about 15% the annual miles of the car. The shop truck is on a commercial policy which actually has less coverage since so many things are excluded. Being a commercial vehicle, the “exposure” is greater, even though the truck at times sits long enough to develop heart disease.
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
I hate to burst all your bubbles but I own and have registered at least 5 vehicles in my name and I am the only driver. All of my vehicle sit either in front of my house or in the garage. Allstate insurance gives me a policy that allows me to use any one vehicle at anytime while the rest are in whats called " suspension ". I park my motorhome and a couple more while I drive either the van or mercedes. If I want to drive another vehicle I call the Allstate broker and its insured for the street that second. Comes in handy and all I pay for vehicles in Suspension is around 20 bucks a year, it keeps comprehensive and theft on them, but when I use them, its prorated. All Allstate policies are like that...

Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :
Every state has its own system. I will check to see if that option is available here. Our family cars are covered by Allstate. I have to call the agent anyway, a rock recently laid a large crack on the windshield of one vehicle.
Posted by Jeff Spradling (Member # 1615) on :
No need for your own vehicle or insurance. Just make sure you have a customer's vehicle in your possession at all times that your "lettering". Make sure you schedule them around your needs... a truck when you need to haul something...a van when you need to cart the family around... and a nice hot rod when you feel the NEED FOR SPEED!

That how the sperienced rednecks do it [Razz]
Posted by Checkers (Member # 63) on :
Back in Joisey, one of the most expensive insurance states in the nation, they had policies that can cover special or limited use vehicles.
If you had a ladder truck that will be used only for installations, it would probably qualify for that insurance. The insurance would cover the vehicle to and from the job site and while it was on the site. The "catch" was if you transported the sign to the site with the boom truck, it was classified as a regular vehicle and it voided the insurance.
The same applied to cranes and other special equipment.

Havin' fun,

Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
Insurance? Wot's that?
When I am driving around in my custom faux-rust pick-em-up (I do cow de-horning as a side job)I never worry about stuff like registration or insurance or even seat belts! (I have no seat, I just sit on an old Coca-Cola box) Yup, and I power that baby with heated air from my wood-burning stove! Vroom!
Love- JILL [Eek!]
Posted by Alan Ackerson (Member # 3224) on :
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
Insurance companies already have such plans in place, they aren't online, but all you have to do is call them and ask about it! You may not get "free" coverage on the other vehicles that arent being used but like Joey said, the extra cost is minimal.

Here in AZ there is no way to have a registered, uninsured vehicle. Nor is there any way to have an insured non-registered vehicle.. there's also no way to have an uninsured licensed driver because the state, the police, and the insurance companies all use the same database.

If you let your insurance lapse, you get letters stating your driver's license and registration are about to be revoked.

When you get a driver's license or register a vehicle, if they don't have insurance information for you, you get a letter threatening to revoke both if you dont get insurance.

Even if you insure a vehicle that isnt registered in AZ (say if you just moved from out of state), they know about it.
Posted by Bill Cosharek (Member # 1274) on :
Same up here, Mike. But part of the premium paid is to protect against uninsured motorists. Go figure! [Confused]
Posted by dispatch (Member # 1053) on :
We have a small fleet of taxicabs that is allowed 1 spare car, for shop repairs

we pay for 5 cars, but 6 are covered, drivers may not share cars (higher rate) but can be switched within the group, only 5 authorized at a time, 1 days notice to add/delete a driver from the group.

Just meant to allow a single driver, one shift , and leave a spare to be repaired wuthout downtime.

And I'm routinely queried on WC policys about how many people do what jobs, for different rates, sawing boards, as opposed to running the copy machine so we pay less for a copy person that saws 1 board that month.
Posted by James Donahue (Member # 3624) on :
Thanks Joey, and good for Allstate. I've had liability ins with State Farm for 12 years or so, costs me about $35 per month, but my agent said no, each vehicle must have it's own coverage. I just ASSUMED they were all about the same.
Posted by W. R. Pickett (Member # 3842) on :
The last (three or four) years that I had my (wonderful old) 67 Chevy van, It would no- way pass inspection, so I just drove it around illegally for installations, and hoped that I wouldn't get pulled! The fine for NO inspection sticker was actually LESS than for having an EXPIRED sticker, so it was history. The tickets were alot cheaper than paying for the repairs to have it pass inspection. Just the price of doing "business".
Posted by Cam Bortz (Member # 55) on :
A redneck I knew would take a polaroid photo of a valid inspection sticker, and carefully tape it to the inside bottom corner of his windshield. Wouldn't pass a close look, but at a glance it was OK.

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