Will rivets hold well in Alumacorr?
Posted by Checkers (Member # 63) on :
Hiya Wayne, I would use a vhb tape with the rivets for extra security. My concern with Alumacorr is that the aluminum skin is only .015" thick. I feel that some spaz might accidentally pull on the track and pop the rivets right out with little effort without the reinforcement. This is all theroy though. I have never used Alumacorr yet.
Havin' fun,
Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
Thanks Brian, I wondered about that. He brought in a design from another shop with letter tracks on 3/4'' PVC. No, I won't use any part of the design or any PVC.
I gave the customer a quote for two sheets of .040 aluminum on an internal 2x4 stud frame with letter tracks at the bottom. He's bringing the deposit tomorrow. Thanks again.
Posted by Laura Butler (Member # 1830) on :
We do this all the time on Alumalite only we use the plastic rivets instead of alumunium ones. The alum. ones tend to crack the plastic track. You can get the plastic ones from Grimco.
Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
Thanks for the tip Laura. That's most likely where I'll be getting the track too.