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Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
Guess who stopped by and had dinner tonight...Mr. Francisco Vargas himself!

We had a great visit. He came by this afternoon, hung out for a few hours, had dinner with my family and me and then headed back to his daughters in LA.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
awwww... I thought it was going to be ..
"The Psychotic Bitch-from-hell"
now, that would have been an interesting post [Smile]

glad you guys had a good visit [Smile]
Posted by Richard Bustamante (Member # 370) on :
I guess he saw your new computer, cause he called
me on the phone(while he was there) to see if a
P4/motherboard combo was any good. I think he's
gonna try to make one like yours.(notice I said
Take care.
Posted by FranCisco Vargas (Member # 145) on :
And what a GREAT DINNER it was! They have a beautiful home and Kimberly sure knows how to cook, I was watching every little thing she was doing, she was throwing in a pinch of this a pinch of that. I would love to learn how to cook better, so I was like a kid asking what's that, and how long do you leave that on the stove with the slow fire? The dinner was fabulous...Clay (her husband) BBQed Pork, with apple sauce, BBQ Asparasus like I have never eaten with a special sauce topped with Parmainso (sp) chesse, some steamed white rice. But what makes a great dinner is...eating with great people! Her little daughter Samantha who's is going to be a great artist like her grand father Al Zanetti was a very well mannered polite young lady. I really enjoyed my visit Kimberly and Clay. Oh yeah Kimberly, the next day the family took me to a flea market in Costa Meza, I swong a deal for a new Salsa maker, except this one has all the bells and whistles, since I forgot mine in Volcano, now I can make more things then just salsa, I will remember some of the things you did and use it more. Once again Thanks, so remember if you're ever out this way you have to stop by.

Richard, yeah I stopped at Fry's but found out the ECS mother board isn't as good as the Azusus (sp) so I will have to wait, also because with the new mother boards I will also have to get new memory, maybe next year. So I will continue to try...

Doug, I'm curious "who is the bitch from hell is?"
Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
Doug, I'm curious "who is the bitch from hell is?"
Hi there! SO , you made it home safe and sound? Thanks for the compliments my friend, it was such an easy dinner. Someday you'll have to come for something a little more involved.

As for the above mentioned person, it was refering to my current boss whom I mentioned in that post I printed out for you to read when you left.

Did Makenna win her soccer game?
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
sorry about that... I saw Kimberly's post about her boss that she wrote right before writing this one... just seemed like a possibility at the time... either that or "Natty dreadlock" [Smile]
Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
Believe it or not Doug, she was here for dinner in September. My husband and I had a major, seven course formal dinner party for the entire Executive Committee from our hotel. Unfortunately, she is part of that committee and joined us. [Mad]
The positive note being that she and I gritted our teeth and pretended to be civil to each other and after seven courses, each with a different wine, I didn't really care if she was there or not! [Wink]
Posted by FranCisco Vargas (Member # 145) on :
Yeah I'm home, got in at midnight. I left at 6pm, but bumber to bumber leaving LA, then it opened up, but close to Burbank it was almost at a standstill, either there was a big robbery, a shooting or freeway chase, because they closed the interstate 5 and re-routed everyone off.
Glad I'm home though, no problems, later today I will need to cut the grass though and get back to the work grind. [Big Grin]
You know I still haven't had a chance to read the post yet that you printed, once I unwind I'll check it out. I remember you mentioning something about some lady.
No Makenna's team lost, but they gave it their best...
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
Hi Kimberly, its me, your employer, your boss, the psycotic bitch from hell visiting with Joey who is real good at making Slovac Chicken Paprikas. His attitude and ability to tie things up kept me busy all day Saturday. I was thinking of giving him your job and putting you into either self employment or the unemployment line down at social services.

Have a nice day [Smile] see you on Monday!!
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
thats the best laugh I've had from this board in a while [Smile]
well done Joey!
Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
Hey Joey...Can you ask her to PLEASE fire me so I can stop working there without feeling guilty about quitting while they are so short-handed!?!?!?!?!?!

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