Hey everyone been a while I know, been a very long while. Well I have decided to upgrade my systems to Macintosh and got a G4 400, but now figuring out how to use my existing plotter that uses a COM/Port 232 from a PC . to get it to work with the Macintosh. I am quickly learning how to use a Macintosh and I am very pleased with the fact it doesnt CRASH like the PC did, there for a while it was 5-10 times a day. anyhow the Mac is working like a charm. it is the same Mghz and it works alot faster. but I cant seem to figure out how to connect my Plotter to my Mac .. I have a ANAGRAPH 24" AE60 Plotter. using a RS232 Connection. Thanks for your help
Posted by Dave Sherby (Member # 698) on :
Does your Anagraph have a parallel port? Most well stocked computer stores as well as Radio Shack should have a USB to Parallel cable.
Posted by Philippe JACQUES (Member # 664) on :
NCS MagiSign drives Anagraph plotter too. It' a plug-in for Adobe Illustrator and is compatible with AI 8, 9 and 10 (compatible with Adobe CS in 1 or 2 weeks). See Summadirect for sales info.
To connect it to the Mac G4 : if you still have the serial cable for the PC, just plug this one into a Keyspan serial adapter for Palm. It's compatible with the PC serial cable of Anagraph and works once you have install the Keyspan driver and MagiSign.
Another solution is you don't have the PC serial cable is to buy a cable for Anagraph with mini-din 8 extemity and to plug it into a Keyspan Twin serial adapter.