I have a customer that wants to have an electronic reader board... money's not the issue... (maybe till he sees the price?)...but he wants a board that has HIGH RESALUTION and TOTAL graphic capabilities...Has anyone put one up? Who did purchase from? Are you happy with the results? I have searched the net and found a few, but I'm into unknow waters! Any Help out there? Any suggestions? Thanks Rick@Trick
Posted by Checkers (Member # 63) on :
Hiya Rick, You'll be looking at one helluva education of you want to try to sell the client. When I last researched these a few years ago, I found the information to be overwhelming. So, I decided to pass on the job. Heck, you parctically need a PHD just to program some of them. A good place to start is to make sure that your client can get a permit for it and what, if any, would the restrictions be. If he can't get a permit, there's no use in doing any more research. If your client can get a permit, the city should have guidelines when it comes to size, location, etc. If the city doesn't offer guidelines, your clients budget would be the only restrictions. From there, pick up the sign mags & start making calls to the advertisers & taking notes. Oh, and your client better have a BIG budget. You don't buy these signs, you lease them. Apparently, no mortal human can afford the price tag on these suckers.
Good luck,
Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
Alpha Electronics have the best eqquipment and cost I've seen ...full color graphics, I'm not sure but contact them they will lead you where you need to be (nice folks).
[ October 22, 2003, 08:56 AM: Message edited by: Monte Jumper ]
Posted by Mike Blackwelder Jr. (Member # 2603) on :
I have just put one of these units up in my town, and just received another quote for a full color display. The program they send out to operate one of these is set up on the screen just as the board looks at the sign. The fonts lay out on the screen just as they appear on the sign. I use Daktronics with the Venus software, this software is so easy it was a surprise for sure. And the install was almost just plug and play once the sign was installed to the poles. Hopefully this info will help you out. Mike Blackwelder Jr.
Posted by Rick Whitmire (Member # 3443) on :
Thank ALL! Sorry about not getting back sooner...work load is crazy...Permit is not a problem, and customer knows the range for board is between15 to 25 thousand alone... +install-set up and some training... Thanks for the product leads... Rick@Trick