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Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
The electrical inspection passed by default today. Basically. you call for an inspection and if the inspector is too busy to come it passes.

So now we wait for the electrical company to do the permanent hookup. Shouldn't be too long now. [Smile]

I installed my studio windows yesterday and the last of the locks today. The elecricians were busy today tidying things up at last.

I've done a few small jobs in the shop getting ready for our trip to Edmonton to do a theme job there once more.

The shop is all I expected and hoped it would be and more. There's lots of room and a place for everything at last... all in one place.

The space is quiet... REALLY quiet. Although we don't yet have heat (no electricity) it is nice and cozy.

Best of all I feel CREATIVE there.

I think there's gonna be lots of cool stuff coming out those big steel doors in the future.

One of the things on my must do list for tomorrow is some more photos... and you'l see them here for sure.

Posted by Source Signs (Member # 1164) on :
Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
Sure is a great feeling isn't it Dan [Smile]

Our final day of inspection came wwhen the fire marshall came ...walked in looked around for 30 seconds and said looks good to me ...handed me a signed certificate of occupancy. I was relieved but I would have save $6000.00 on double sheet firewall protection if I had known all he was gonna do was say "Looks good to me".

Better I did the firewall will eliminate any insurance hassles later but if they are going to inspect they should inspect.

Glad your in Dan... congradulations.
Posted by mike meyer (Member # 542) on :
Come on Dan Cheer up!
Hey when is that food ready? Just a few more minutes? That's what you said 2 hours ago! haha
Posted by Ray Rheaume (Member # 3794) on :
hahahaha...QUICK! Someone head over to Dan's and cheer him up! [Smile] just kidding

Don't you just love the way you feel waiting for building inspectors?
Sorta like getting calls from "60 Minutes" telling you they are sending a camera crew over.

Glad to see that step is over Dan. I'm sure you feel relaxed, as well as happy. where did I put those OSHA safety sheets..... [Dunno]

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