So I'm building a website and I want one of those nifty mouseover nav bars, where you hold your cursor over the link and it expands to give you a choice of links from which you can select the most appropriate. I'm using Photoshop 7 & Corel 10 to try and create the file/s for Dreamweaver 4 but I get the feeling I'm missing something. Corel and Photoshop both profess to be capable of producing the desired result but I'm buggered if I can get it to work. Its a pretty lengthy process to cover here so I'm looking for link/s to tutorials or user groups on the subject. Or if there is such a thing, a software method to remove some of the pain. Your experience is appreciated. David
[ October 01, 2003, 08:43 AM: Message edited by: David Fisher ]
Posted by Michael Clanton (Member # 2419) on :
I use Fireworks for those rollover effects, and I have done it with just Dreamweaver, but I can't remember how. I found some good tutorials at they may have something you are needing. They helped me out with "disjointed rollovers". In Fireworks you can create those pop-up menus as well.
Posted by Scott Pagan (Member # 2507) on :
with photoshop should be adobe after effects (a seperate co-operation program of photoshop) , use that or macromedia's fireworks then import into dreamweaver.
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
Dave, it's a SNAP!
Create all the images you need in your favorite graphics programs.
Then go into Dreamweaver, build your page with the main navigation menu located how you want it.
"INSERT" a new LAYER, position it where you want your first submenu, then build the submenu inside of it whether you are using image maps or text. Once that submenu is done, set the properties on that layer to "HIDDEN"
Now select the main menu item that triggers that submenu (the image slice) then go into the "BEHAVIORS" palette, make sure it's set for "4.0 and Later browsers", click on the little plus symbol, select "SHOW/HIDE LAYERS" then you will get a dialog box that lets you pick a layer and select whether to show or hide it. You want to show that hidden layer. Then you go back into the BEHAVIORS palette and there will be some sort of mouse action assigned by default, click the drop down arrow and select "onMouseOver".. Now save your HTML file and do a preview on it, when you roll the mouse over the image, that layer will appear. If that works,
Now, do the next item in your main nav menu in the same way, except this time not only do you need to SHOW the next submenu, you also need to HIDE the previous submenu, otherwise all your submenus will pile up on the screen. To hide the previous submenu, you do it the same way you show the submenu, 'cept now in that Dialog box you will select "Show" for the new Layer/Menu, and "Hide" for the previous Layer/Menu. It helps if you name your layers to make it easier to keep track.
It took me longer to type this up than it takes to actually do all the steps, trust me! Posted by David Fisher (Member # 107) on :
Thank you all. Pimp, I haven't tried it yet but reading your post I can see how your method works. Seems like the way to go to me, also saves on software requirements. Thanks, David
Posted by Alfred Toy (Member # 3844) on :