Now that the EPA has significantly eliminated lead from our paints(originating from some kid chewing on the window sills in a New York ghetto neighborhood obviously the reason for 50's 60's juvenile delinqency)...and has laws against adding it to the paint...something new has come to the fore.
The other nite I'm watching the boob toob and low and behold you can now buy all kinds of additives to your paints...but the one that caught my attention was the can now buy an insecticide additive that will "kill even the biggest bugs for up to 7 years". And this from one of the politically correct "wreck and rebuild" shows.
Will our children ever be safe? (tounge in cheek)sounds like the people that come up with this were sucking on those window sills too long.
Mind you ...when was the last time you lettered a window sill? But I'll bet the termite concerned public will be painting every window sill with this stuff.Then again, all of you in the south might be intersted in using this on your sign sure to tag them so they don't fall into the wrong mouths.
Where's the PETA people on this dog eats dead bugs how about yours? Sheesh!
I think this is on decide!
[ September 30, 2003, 09:02 AM: Message edited by: Monte Jumper ]
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
The more things change the more they stay the same.
Posted by Alicia B. Jennings (Member # 1272) on :
So, like has any of us writen the EPA on this subject? Who would you write to? Who's desk can your slam your fist on and set them straight? Point me in that direction> Once again stupid, uninformed making the rules. It's time we all unite. No one gets any signs till all our demands are met.No signs, lettering,striping,no promotional banners, nothing! Can you imagine the news paper headlines. "Sign makers on worldwide strike!" Okay,okay, I'm going back in my cage now.
Posted by mike meyer (Member # 542) on :
"PETA" "People Eating Tasty Animals"
Posted by bill riedel (Member # 607) on :
Hi Monte, I am still waiting for some documentation on if anyone was found chewing on a sign. Only Spiderman's kids can climb the walls.
Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
Alicia Somewhere I have a cartoon of a group of picketers going up and back on the sidewalk with sticks and blank sign cards atop them. Two folks across the street chatting and one asks who the picketers are??? The other answers "signpainters."
Posted by Stephen Faulkner (Member # 2511) on :
What ?? no lead???... what about lead sleds??
On a similar note: Maine only allows reformulated gas (MTBE) do reduce emissions and increase federal funding for our roads. Turns out the scientist say it is bad for water, like one drop ruins a swimming pool full of water and has a very long half life. For a state littered with lakes streams ponds and brooks it appears some one was asleep at the wheel again!
I'm off to the parts store for some lead additive and octane booster.... mabe a six pack and some lucky strikes to wash down the cheese burger and fries.
[ October 02, 2003, 07:44 AM: Message edited by: Stephen Faulkner ]