I have been surprised by the interest in our web site,so thought I would drop a note for others that might be interested. We specialise in gold/platinum leaf,heraldic and pictorial commissions.In the last few years we have undertaken the following.... *Gold leaf signs on oak for the Duke of Westminster for properties in Buckingham Palace Road. *2000 Sq ft of decorative gilding at the Apollo Theatre(London) for Lord Andrew lloyd Webber. *Restoration of the heraldry in the Queens Room(Brookwood)for the Commonwealth War Graves Commission,which the Royal Canadian coat of arms,together with that of the Army,Navy&Airforce. Regimental flashes and the Canadian battle honours from the 1&2 world wars. *Numerous pictorial and gold leaf pub signs. For information my studio is the old function hall of my wifes pub which was built in 1511 As the sign on the studio door states''If closed please enquire at the inn for Bob Russell,husband of the Landlady.Easy to recognise ,old chap,little hair,silly white beard,dodgy sense of humour.'' P.S If anyone is in the area please drop in for a chat Best regards bob@jc-signsandscenes.co.uk
Posted by captain ken (Member # 742) on :
Hi Bob, welcomr to Letterville. c'mon man dont tease us lets see some pictures!!!!
Posted by Robert Thomas (Member # 1356) on :
Click on "Painted Signs" and read what he has to say about our craft. Thanks for sharing.
[ September 23, 2003, 07:50 PM: Message edited by: Robert Thomas ]
Posted by Terry Baird (Member # 3495) on :
Hi Bob, I posted your site a few weeks ago and was wondering, is everything handcrafted at your shop? Do you use a computer for design or any part of your production?
[ September 24, 2003, 09:41 AM: Message edited by: Terry Baird ]