Hi everyone thought I would take this opportunity introduce my self. I’m relatively new to the Sign Industry about 4 years now. My wife “Deb” and my self-started business at home in the basement, as things grew we bought our own building “two yeas ago now” still haven’t built a sign for it yet, busy making signs for other people. Hope get around to making one this fall, it might stop the comments like “ Lets buy a sign from the sign shop that doesn’t have a sign” The other comment I get is “I see you took you sign down” It’s all in fun and I normally Respond with “do you want your sign before or after I make mine.” The fist tine I visited this site I received more than $50 bucks worth of advice and encouragement. So I paid the taxes and thought I would just pop my head in. “you are a great bunch”
Posted by Brian Diver (Member # 1552) on :
Welcome Matty, Glad you are so busy you can't find the time to make your own sign. I wish I was in your shoes Posted by Jeff Ogden (Member # 3184) on :
Hello Matty, pleased to meet ya !
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
Hiya Matty & Deb!
Real nice to meet you and glad to have you!
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
Hi Guys! make the sign, you could always get busier, then pick & choose the best work, or up your prices.
Posted by Kathy Joiner (Member # 1814) on :
Welcome to the board Matty and Deb! Sounds like you are doing well. Get yourselves to a meet as soon as you can find one near you so that you can get to know some of the heads personally.
With a name like Matty McQuilkin making a sign should be fun. If it is irish I see a green "Irish" quill standing there with his derby on. Or if Scott he coule be wearing a kilt.
Get busy man!
Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
Welcome Matty...don't feel bad I had a banner (very detailed) but still a banner (hand lettered with vinyl ink) over my shop for 3 years til the city told me to take it down...I was surprised at how well it held up so after about 3 months I put it back up and it was there for a total of 8 years...(city didn't notice the second time)...when people asked about how well do my banners hold up I sent them outside to check...people actually thought it was a permanent sign...actually I guess it was.
Well... welcome again...hope to see more of your posts...we'll share all we know and we look for help ourselves from time to time...hope your stay here will be a pleasing adventure.
Posted by TransLab (Member # 470) on :
Hi Matty, I know what you mean, I tripped over this place in November 98, been a resident ever since and have never questioned the value of it... priceless...
Welcome aboard...
Posted by Ray Rheaume (Member # 3794) on :
Hi Matty & Deb and welcome to Letterville.
Posted by Matty McQuilkin (Member # 4156) on :
Thanks every one for the warm welcome.
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
Welcome to town.
If I were more girly, I'd bring ya over a housewarming gift or a pie. But seeing as I'm more of a tomboy, I'll just offer to buy you a beer at the corner bar.
I found this place by accident too. If you think you've gotten $50 worth out of your first few visits, just wait a couple years, step back & look at where you are then as opposed to where you would be without the knowledge shared here. If you really want to waste an afternoon, hit the search button in the upper right & look up something you're interested in. It can be overwhelming.
Posted by Dennis Raap (Member # 3632) on :
Hi Matty
My wife and I started a sign shop about 3 1/2 years ago also after almost 3 years we finely got a sign up. I found this site about a year ago I have learned a lot from these great people. Posted by Randy Campbell (Member # 2675) on :
Hello Matty and Deb.welcome aboard and have fun signin. Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :
In 1980, I moved our shop to 5400 SF on a major highway. Months dragged by as I agonized over the design for our new sign. The antique shop next door also did not have identification. One day, a woman came into my office, looking for our neighbor. When I directed her to the correct entry, she snapped: “Why don’t you guys get a sign!” For some reason, I didn’t have the heart to tell her we were a sign company.
Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
Welcome to Letterville.
Why don't you paint a nice background and frame it and put it in front of your building. No letters. Then those that comment would have a different rap about generic signs.
Posted by Donna in BC (Member # 130) on :
Welcome Matty!
I just removed the wrong phone numbers off my work truck... our shop moved 4 years ago! Some guy into upholstery has my old phone number and keeps getting my calls.
Now I have NO phone numbers, just my logo. Don't feel too bad, you obviously aren't alone in this. Posted by Terry Whynott (Member # 1622) on :
Welcome to town, Matty! Posted by dave parr (Member # 3868) on :
Hi Matty,
Welcome aboard! Perhaps this will help, just copy one & print it out. Take it to Kinko's & have it laminated. Take it back to the shop & tape it to the wall, Bingo, you got a sign.
Matty, ...Just havin' a bit of fun here. Enjoy!
Posted by Matty McQuilkin (Member # 4156) on :
Thanks every one for the kind welcome and special thanks to Chris for the beer. Kathy you are right there is a touch of Irish. Dave you have got me splitting my sides, Love the Sign but I think I will Laminate it myself.
Posted by Judy Pate (Member # 237) on :
Here's a down home southern WELCOME YALL! Matty! You'll love it here! Kathy's right..get yourself to a live letterhead meet asap...you'll be addicted!! Judy