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Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
I gave a prospect the URL to my "free website" to show them some of my work and when checking the link, I found that several different sign companies have links to their webpages on my site. How did they do this and why so many different companies?? I think that I might know one of the guys. He was a competitor. (Scroll to the bottom of the page)
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
I just checked mine and found the same thing.

I suspect it is some new ad program from Tripod as a way to encourage you to become a paying client instead of using their free service.
Posted by Amy Brown (Member # 1963) on :

It looks like your free site is advertising since you aren't paying them a premium. Probably using the companies that pay extra for top places on search engines. They are basically categorizing signs with signs. Only way to get rid of it is to pay for hosting so you don't have to let them advertise whatever they want.

I only pay $25/quarter to host my site. Check out

Robert Beverly has a cheap host as well but I can't think of the name right now.

I've never had problems with mine. You'll need a domain name though.

Good luck.
Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
Wayne..I checked your website. First it is hosted by Tripod, which requiores that ad banners appear at random. Second, I right-clicked on all 4 of the links you mentioned and then chose "properties" all were URLS that were connected to "Google". Finally I exited your site and then went back and the four "links" at the bottom were different, but still sign-related.

Sounds like Tripod is adding 4 of anything that is sign-related on a rotating basis as they are found by the Google search engine.

If you are paying for the web site hosting, I would demand that Tripod remove all ads. If you are using them as a free host, then you pretty well have to put up with what they are doing.
Posted by Tony B (Member # 935) on :
At first I tried those free services (Bravenet) just to try out my new webpages. Then, I went and got a paid account at another hosting comapny.

You get what you pay for with "free". There are plenty of hosting companies out there that sell hosting for under $8.00 a month. I would check into them if I were you. I'm using PowWeb for my site and all my customers sites as well, but will probably be switching over to iPowerweb (same price, better reliablilty).
Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
Thanks everyone.
They've always had the banner ad at the top of the page but haven't done anything like this until now. I notified them about it and if they can't remove them, i will have to close down the site. I want to build a real site but just haven't had the time yet.
Thanks again

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