I have used 3M, and Avery, and tought that this time I'll use MacFleet (Mactac) I have also heard of KPMF, uk brand...
Both (Avery & 3M) was really nice to work with, but som shrinking came after some months....
I have received a CD from Mactac, and they heat the vinyl after it is finished on the cars, with 250 celsius???? Averys says 80-90 celsius.
I do think its the "afterwork" with the heatblower, who is THE most important work...
Pleas come with some comments/ advise / tips.
Posted by Checkers (Member # 63) on :
Hiya Per Arne, The shrinkage problem may be from using calendered films? I ask this because I have had very good experiences with 3M's and Arlon's (Calon II) high performance 2 mil cast films. If there was shrinkage, it wasn't noticable. I haven't used much Avery, but I do like that they have some vinyls that are p.m.s. matched. I can't comment on the other films you mentioned. For fleet graphics or vehicle wraps, when color was an issue, I would start with 3M, then Calon or Avery. I would only go to other brands if I needed a color not supplied by those three. The only time I have to use heat on the vinyl is when I'm conforming the vinyl to rivets or very sharp curves. I have never heated the vinyl once it's properly installed. Make is to clean the surface extreemly well and have fun wth it.