Can someone please give me a heads up to what type of light or fuse issues I may encounter with this sign. I have been asked to “replace the lights” in the “B” and the “U”.
This seems to be an easy job. Climb up, remove the sign letter faces, look at the existing lights, get the model info from them and get replacements from my local supplier.
But…. I have never dealt with this type of sign system.
Any cautions for me???
I will be climbing up there tomorrow AM.
Thanks, Joe
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
2. Watch out for spiders!!!
Posted by Talisman (Member # 1869) on :
Very practical advice Si. Thank you. Posted by Checkers (Member # 63) on :
Hiya Joe, From the looks of the pic, it's probably neon of some sort. Assuming it's neon and since the 2 letters right next to each other are burnt out, there's a good chance it's not the glass. It may be the transformer or the wiring. If you're lucky, the transformer should be mounted in the raceway or where it's easily accessable. If not, you'll have to climb up in the building, behind the sign and start hunting from there. My previous experience with these establishments got what they paid for and you may be opening up a can of worms. Be careful! Bring a good flashlight and a can of Raid with ya. I have found wasps like the weep holes for homes.
Havin' fun,
Posted by Tim (Member # 1699) on :
They may me bent neon tube inside. You will need to make a pattern and have one bent up for you. Be very careful, Extremely high voltage!
Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
Checkers beat myself to the punch.
This is called a Piggyback carrier Channel letters with Neon lighting mounted on a carrier box that houses your wiring and Glass,Porcelain,Metal Housings.
He is also right about 2 letters side by side is not the indication of Neon failure.
Wiring problem or Transformer overload and cannot handle the amount of letters wired to it.
Do not handle this job without knowing what is needed to test and correct problem.
Do you own a Glass tester? How about are you a Licensed Electriction and Installer? What if its the Electro springs burnt out.
Most likely the tranfromers are sitting up in the False ceiling..Are they boxed (by law they have to be with a dead switch..) But you never know the shotty work done by others... They could be open ended.
Pass my friend. to a Pro Shop that knows what they are doing!
[ September 15, 2003, 04:18 PM: Message edited by: Stephen Deveau ]
Posted by Talisman (Member # 1869) on :