Hey guys, I found this nice little web browser that has some great features in it.. I downloaded it and have been using it for a little while.. works great!!
Mike, My wife has been using this browser for about a month. She loves it & has been trying to get me to give it a try. Guess I'll have to.
Posted by dave parr (Member # 3868) on :
Yep, This is cool! Great browser, ... so far. Fast too! Thanks Mike. I'll have to thank my wife too. Did you notice your graphics being clearer in this browser Mike?
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
Dave, the speed is my favorite part and because it actually uses the IE core, it has all the same functionality.
Cant say anything looks clearer though, I havent noticed any difference but I'm also using a high resolution LCD. It might just be the different look of the interface making things look nicer.
Posted by Bob Darnell (Member # 27) on :
Thanks Mike. I wasn't going to bother with trying it until you said it uses the IE core. I've been using Opera instead of IE for a while because of the speed, but occasionally a website wouldn't display correctly. This is perfect. Very customizable too.