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Posted by ShaneMussche (Member # 3028) on :
I have heard rumours that they are going to stop making one shot due to the lead content. Has anyone heard anything about this? Any truth to it or a nasty rumour?
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
Isnt it funny how rumors twist and turn,

Scroll down a few and find the post about the last of the lead.

[ September 10, 2003, 10:19 PM: Message edited by: Bob Rochon ]
Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
Don't panic I talked to Frank Manning (One Shot rep extrordinaire) and One Shot isn't going anywhere...the lead content leaving the remaining paints however is not a rumor.

Stay tuned...I'm sure we'll hear from Frank here soon!

And you'll have enough to paint that leather thing you asked about! [Wink]

[ September 11, 2003, 08:27 AM: Message edited by: Monte Jumper ]
Posted by Ryan E Young (Member # 2325) on :

Rumer!!!!! 1-shot does not help hair grow. Yes I can talk Donald Thompson into about any thing.How did we get the paint off. We just cleared it and it lifted right up!!!!! Its just a joke I love 1-Shot (when I dont have to clear it) so calm down Frank I love ya buddy!!
Posted by George Perkins (Member # 156) on :
Ryan, besides tormenting the hell out of you all weekend at the Civil War meet. I'm gonna clear over One Shot right in front of you, just to show you it can be done. Right after that, we're gonna have a few chickens cross the road, just to show the possum's that , that too is possible. [Smile]
Posted by Ryan E Young (Member # 2325) on :
Deal. I want you to use my clear. I realy think that my problem is in the clear that I use.
Posted by Bill Diaz (Member # 2549) on :
I talked to Frank from 1 Shot at the Tomahawk meet. He said they were coming out with a urethane clear and a grafitti clear for their paints which should help their performance. I said will we be able to get 10 years out them and he said, "yes."
Posted by Laura Butler (Member # 1830) on :
I thought that my rep said that they are being bought out by Ronan.
Posted by ShaneMussche (Member # 3028) on :
I talked with the general manager and he has informed me that 13 of the 44 colors(the remaining colors without lead) are going lead free. I have asked for a list of them. Clearing over one shot eh? That would interest me greatly. Things that make you say hmmm...

Thanks for the replys everyone.
Posted by Wayne Berry (Member # 1327) on :
I may have missed parts of this but I've been clearing over One Shot for years. I have had trouble trying to use that Frog stuff though.


Posted by Ryan E Young (Member # 2325) on :
1 shot is a great product it is the best striping and lettering paint there is. Yes you can clear it but when it comes to clearing custom painted parts nothing beats HOK urethane.(House Of Kolor) I can do graphics on a bike and send the part out to be cleared with no worries.All I tell them is don't sag or run the clear and you will not ever have a problem with lifting. If I use 1shot I cant let them use UTEC clear (real popular in this area) beclouded of the very slow dry time. They have to do this and they have to do that. It is just easier to use HOK than 1Shot. If one shot ever comes out with a urethane clear I will be the first to buy every color they offer. I consider Frank M. one of my buddies in this business and I have always told him this is the way I see it. Every time this comes up i get all of the comments that you can clear 1shot and I agree but when it comes to new painters and the general public house of Kolor is more forgiving.
Posted by George Perkins (Member # 156) on :
Ryan, you are 100% right and I'm not gonna argue with you........I'll save that for the meet [Smile] . The thing about clearing over anything is, you HAVE TO READ THE DIRECTIONS!!!! HOK is great BUT it can be easily screwed up if they don't follow the directions. It won't lift like One Shot but it will sag like crazy. There's an excellent example of this in Pinstriping Masters in Jon Kosmoski's section.
The deal with clearing over One Shot is there are no written instructions. Is it right to clear over One Shot with a urethane? I won't go there, I'll let the chemists or would be chemists argue that one. Can it be done........YES. We clear over One Shot, HOK, hand brushed PPG Concept, vinyl , mylar and polyester with no problems. Can you feel any lines....NO!
I'll be glad to give your clear a try. I'm not familiar with that one, but over the years I have used or worked around just about all of them. One thing I've noticed is they have gotten more user friendly in later years as far as the OS deal goes. You should have tried clearing OS in the eighties. [Smile]
Hell that stuff would attack itself!
Posted by Don Coplen (Member # 127) on :
Bill, why in the world would we want a sign to last ten years? [Razz]
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
Don, thats the difference between working for someone and working for yourself.

Ryan, don't do that, what are ya, stupid?
Posted by Bill Diaz (Member # 2549) on :
Don - I haven't checked this post in a while, so I'm sorry I haven't responded to your question.

I not sure why I want things to last, but I do. That's been my thing going back to when I painted houses. Everybody wanted to know who to hire that could make a paint job last longest. The cheaper guys did the sloppy work that didn't last, and I wanted to be the expensive guy who could make things last. In other words, I wanted to treat others like I wanted to be treated.

A good example is my driveway. When they redid the street in front of my house, my neighbor and I both had our driveways paved. I was young and stupid. He hired the expensive guy and I hired the cheap guy. Mine is full of cracks and my contractor went out of business, my neighbor's driveway looks great and his contractor has a long waiting list of satisfied customers. I learned a lesson.

When I started my business I decided to do the work that lasted and cost more, and I've never regretted it. I can't tell you how many of my semi customers have been referred to me because my work lasts. It's kept me with a waiting list of customers for years now, so I'm interested in all kinds of brushable paints that last for whatever occasion and am interested in hearing from anybody who can help me along those lines. That is the reason I quit using 1 Shot about 6 years ago or so and moved to HOK for my pinstriping. I like using 1 Shot, because it's easy to use and levels out better than any other brushable paint I've tried. I hope they offer a longer lasting version of their paint, but if not I'll use it for temporary signs or signs that face north. Since I don't do many temporary sign, 1 Shot will take up a limited space in my shop until these improvements take place.

I look at it this way. If a guy brings in a $100,000 semi, he's not going to to mind spending the extra money it takes to have his lettering and striping look as good as can be for as long as can be. He's busy and doesn't want to take the extra time off to constantly be touching up his rig. He'll remember the guy who does the long lasting job that holds up well and he'll be a willing salesman for your work.

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