I'm off to a good start with the Signcrafter's Rendezous Meet Page. We're still looking for a meet report, preferablly from someone attending their first meet. Also looking for good, closeup photos of the hosts.
Steve, this looks great! Thanks for posting.
Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
Thanks, Steve! Those are good pics, and the colors very good. I have a few also, got to get on the ball here. There were a couple more murals and I know Signs of the Times will be featuring more, as they had a great camera and were focused on pics and stories exclusively. I think that we just may be seeing them turn into Letterheads themselves too, eventually, with a camera in one hand and a brush in the other! Are there anymore pics coming, Laurie?
Posted by mike meyer (Member # 542) on :
It's even more fun watching the improbable attempt the impossible! Brian told me that one.
Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
so you still got that probable Irishman rocking your shop Mike?!!! (the son of the son of a signwriter?!)
Posted by Laurie Goretski (Member # 3821) on :
It appears that you have received Kathy's photos. Is this correct? I just looked thru the disk, and saw some of the same photos. Let me know. If she did not send them to you, I will send them your way.
Thanks - Lauri
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
Kathy sent some photos and I've also got some from Bill and Jane. We also grab whatever we can find on other posts and private websites. Still have another 20-30 to process. By the time you read this, I'll have some more photos added.
[ September 09, 2003, 01:08 AM: Message edited by: Steve Shortreed ]
Posted by mike meyer (Member # 542) on :
These pics are great, but there will never be the joy of the what you experience when you are THERE, in person! The pictures cannot capture a mood or feeling you get when you make new friends and see something done right before your eyes and get to converse with the person and get to know them. If you are reading this and have not yet experienced a meet, give it some thought, Come on, try it!
There must be a reason, we keep going back and back!
See you in Nanaimo, DesMoines, Mazeppa, South Carolina and beyond!
Posted by Amy Brown (Member # 1963) on :
Great picts! Love the murals. Man I want to learn how to do that!
Posted by Terry Whynott (Member # 1622) on :
Great pictures! (Just two, too many of Mike Meyer with his shirt off, though!)
I really like the Tomahawk founder mural.
Posted by Scott Telfer (Member # 3949) on :
Great memories ,but you really had to be there. We had a ball. Roll on next year.
Posted by dave parr (Member # 3868) on :
Looks like those that attended the Tomahawk meet had an exceptional time. Andy & Lauri must have an unlimited supply of energy and an excellent support team. How did they manage to do so much this summer? And all of that excellent work. The Founders wall is outstanding. The Letterheads & their families that fit this meet into their schedule, no doubt left with a treasure of unmatchable memories.