I can't help but wonder how some one who frequents this board can't find a way to cough up the meager $50 to become a resident and help support this invaluable resource.
Think about the time saved doing research on a technique or material that you are just delving into. That's gotta be worth the $50.
So many people here sharing a wealth of knowledge and sparing you the time making mistakes and redoing jobs. Has it saved you $50?
The monthly drawings alone can often surpass the residency fee alone, to say nothing of the savings from the Letterville merchants. (Heck, I got most of my residency back on the first drawing I was eligible for.)
Ask yourself one simple question...if Letterville were gone, how much would you miss it?
Let the answer to that question be your guide.
Just showing some support, Rapid
Posted by Linda Schmidt (Member # 2337) on :
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
We touched on a similar topic on chat last night. I named everyone I have on speed dial. I met all of them through letterville and don't think I would have ever met them if it weren't for letterville.
Just in case I haven't said it lately, thanks Steve & Barb for starting this place. I know it's crazy at times and you guys get a lot of stress and whining and ranting from people here, but when it starts to get to you, remember these are those of us who appreciate what you've done more than we can ever tell you.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
I think I hung around about 2 or 3 weeks before I sent my check & I know I found the annual residency fee to be offset by the benefits of just those 2 or 3 weeks. By my second year I also recieved the Tramp CD!, got several exceptional deals in the auction & just last week recieved my box of Bandana banners from my first score in the monthly draw. This great place is practically my only social life in a self-imposed work-aholic existence, & I wouldn't care if it cost me money. The fact that I recieve so much, just makes me thankful when I get the opportunity to give back by posting answers to the occassional question in my little corner of experience.
On the other hand (being the devils advocate that I am)I don't think weather or why someone else does or does not choose to become a resident is anyones business.
There are many ways visitors may support this site. Buying from the merchants helps make them continue to support the site to a far greater degree, financially, then our annual 50 dollars. Buying from the auction is another way.
All the people posting information is really what makes us all keep coming back with or without our $50 bucks. There are a lot of visitors out there posting helpful information everyday directly contributing to the reason we are all having this discussion about what a great deal the residency fee is. Some of those people may been residences for many more years then myself, but this year they are a visitor & we have no clue of that previous support.
Posted by Don Coplen (Member # 127) on :
I have to agree, for several reasons...
The information available on this site, as well as the sometimes almost instant help and input that we have seen over and over here through the years, is obviously worth more than $50 all by itself. Many of you will remember the pre-Letterville days, and even the pre-Letterhead days, when ANY type of help with a sign question was a complete rareity. I got into signs in 1982 (discovered Letterheads through a call and invite to David Butler's shop in, I believe, '86). Those four years between were entirely trial and error years for me, outside of what I could gleen from SOTT and SC mags.
The Letterheads meets were an epiphony for me, and I made a point to get to any within a day's drive. But, then I finally got a computer, and found Letterville. Between this site's BB and theletterheads.com, there isn't much info that can't be found out from folks that have knowledge of signwork.
Besides this, the networking through these sites are beyond compare. For those of you that have bookmarked the Letterville BB for more than a year, just think for a second how many truly talented sign people that you know on a first name basis, and who know you. You won't get that expanse of networking from your local C of C, I promise you!
I think the downside of the $50/year resident fee here is that only less than 10% of those that participate in the site actually pitch in with the expenses. With the exception of the poor and destitute, I don't see the fairness of that. But, that's something that won't change anytime soon. It's just human nature not to pay for anything that is available for free. I think my last sentence pretty much sums up why more don't pitch in.
Posted by Duncan Wilkie (Member # 132) on :
I've been mulling around the same thoughts lately Ray. I like the idea that everyone can use this site free of charge. I can't understand why more people can not contribute to it's support. Several points come to mind: If you can pay for internet service to allow you access to this site, can't you afford to contribute under $5. more a month to keep it online. If you didn't have this site to research problems, get inspiration, interact with mentors and peers, you would need to subscribe to all the sign magazines published, and you still wouldn't have the instant response you have here. The site is supported, thankfully by suppliers who advertise here. Kudos to Barb and Steve who convince these fine people to stay here and promote their products to a base of a couple of hundred paid subscribers and a couple thousand businesses people that can't afford $5. per month... and it's even a tax write off for most. I frequent this site several times a day, I know its a bargain and I cringe at the thought of losing it. I've made many friends here and in chat and at meets. Some are residents some are not, I guess that's not important, what is important is that this meeting place continue. Do what you can, and if you can't come up with the money, at least try to make the hosts' life easier by not bickering and bullying. They are paying your way after all. ...Just one dog's thoughts.
Posted by Dave Sherby (Member # 698) on :
I too agree that the price of residency is well below what I get out of Letterville. I used the word PRICE and not COST because there is no cost since the return is greater than the price. Get it? Most don't, thus a residency rate of less than 10%. Pitiful, and understandable since you can register for free and reap the rewards.
I know the intention of the site being free is in the true Letterhead spirit and is a noble one. But I'm coming to the conclusion after reading Steve's post in the Letterville Clip Art thread, that it may be time to reconsider the free status of this board.
In that thread Steve mentioned several ideas for this board that are just so cool, yet we'll never see them with the current structure of this web site. It has lumbered along with optional residency long enough without a significant increase of residents to make me realize that it's never going change much.
Maybe it's time to make it a resident only board. At $50.00 for 300 residents the taxes bring in a mere $15,000. What if taxes were only $20 but mandantory to participate? What if at $20 only 50% of the registered shops paid their taxes? Could those very cool features Steve mentioned be feasable with a tax base of $40,000? Probably.
If a sign shop cannot afford $20 a year, when they are already paying at least that a month just for internet service, then they are in the wrong business. Most visitors don't pay because they don't have to. Period!
Posted by Jeffrey Vrstal (Member # 2271) on :
What if Letterville was gone? Geez, that's a terrible thought. There may come a day when it IS gone, for whatever reason.
What a resource this place is.
Look at that last sentence.
I agree that your reason for not signing up is your reason and nobody's business. Sometimes 50 bucks is not just laying around. The information that you can get here is only good if you use it to your advantage. There is a lot of good info, there is a lot of silly stuff, there is a lot of fun, there is a lot of crap.
You take the good with the bad and use the good.
For those of you that check this place out and are relatively new to the business, I can't tell you enough what a great resource this website is.
When I started out actually making signs and trying to learn lettering skills, I had no idea how to do things in whatever the "right" way was. I had been drawing and creative all of my life, and people seemed to figure that I could produce something like a sign. Feeling guilty about taking money from people due to my lack of knowledge, and skeptical aabout contacting anyone else in the "biz" to get any pointers, I invested in books and magazines and enrolled myself in the "school of trial and error". It was probably a couple of years later that I was introduced to "letterheads" meets through one of my suppliers.
I think about the time I wasted messing things up. Somehow, perhaps through encouragement from friends and family, I did not become disillusioned enough to give it up and stay in the meat business. I guess that I felt that this was really something that I enjoyed so much that I was not ever going to give up. After attending some of the meets, (and I still get the same feeling after attending any meets) I came away with a feeling that I was not alone, that there were people willing to share information, that there are people willing to help you if you ask for help.
Had this web site been available when I had started, I feel that I would now be light years ahead of where I am.
The money that I had invested in books, trips, meets, seminars, magazines, materials and stuff amounts to many, many times the $50.00 it costs to become a member here. All of the information that I had gathered on my own is ALL AVAILABLE HERE.
Perhaps this message will cause one or two of you to invest your $50.00 and help support this great site.
Posted by Duncan Wilkie (Member # 132) on :
$50./365 (1 visit per day) = $0.14/visit...It can't be the cost. Must be something else. I pay by visa, though I would prefer Pay Pal, can we use Pay Pal? I used mirc for free for years 'til Khaled began taking Pay Pal, now I'm a registered user. I don't like using visa with anyone I haven't personally met. Both Laurie and I have been the victims of identity theft. Probably Pay Pal has it's security issues too, but it's within my comfort zone. We still have postal and bank money orders, is there anyone in business that doesn't visit the bank or post office once a year? I'm sure personal and company cheques are accepted. Barb and Steve attend a dozens of meets a year I'm sure cash payment would be fine too. Come on, we all need to participate in keeping this site online.
Posted by George Perkins (Member # 156) on :
This subject has been discussed many times over in past years. I think Don summed it up best with, his comments on it being human nature. If you don't have to do something, most folks won't. Ever go to a big family gathering of twenty or thirty folks. EVERYBODY goes, EVERYBODY stuffs their face or gets drunk, EVERYBODY makes a mess,............... three or four clean it up The same percentages show up here. We can go on and on about how valuable this site is, how insignificant fifty bucks is, especially fifty bucks a year, but those same folks are still gonna sit there and never lend a hand washing dishes or cleaning up.
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
As long as this site is around, I'll always be a contributing part of it. Gratefully!
This place is one of a kind!
Posted by Miles Cullinane (Member # 980) on :
Amen to all of the above. I wouldn't be doing the type of work i'm doing without letterville and without the letterheads movement and to me the letterheads movement would be a lot less well known if it were not for this site. The source of materials that i use for specialist painting onto fabrics came only through this site. i am making a living from infromation recieved through this site. my fees are a finders fee!!
Posted by KARYN BUSH (Member # 1948) on :
lucky i'm not in charge! if you can't pony up a lousy $50 a year then you'd be sh*t outta luck. if you are down on your luck that's one thing...but i see plenty of people who are plain stubborn, defiant, and just plain users in life...what can i get for nothing types. barb and steve work damn hard on this site and they certainly don't live like the kennedys...anyone who doesn't think they get their return 10 fold is an a$$...quit being so cheap!! you'd miss this place if it were gone and ya know it! and ya i'm grouchy today........
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
Going on the premise that this is an ongoing online Letterhead meet... How many who crash a live meet without paying. Yes, I know several that have tried... No need to go there.
The $50.00 we each pony up (there's two of us) is money well spent as far as we are concerned. Somehow I think I am preaching to the chior.
Ah, cie la vie.....
Posted by Dana Bowers (Member # 780) on :
Hey guys... next time you start whining about the $50 it would cost you, think about poor Bruce and the amount it's costing him!!!
Posted by James Donahue (Member # 3624) on :
Part of the problem is that the proprietors aren't using COLLECTION AGENCIES or DEBTORS PRISON!
See, people like me already owe the money, from benefits previously received. Happily, I can say my residency savings fund is up to about 38 bucks now.
Gee, I only hope I can keep from spending it on something REALLY important, like a musical car horn that plays "Dixie".
Seriously, I think for some folks, $50 bucks seems like a bit of a bite, after all, that's half a hundred. Not that it's not completely worth it, IF YOU LET IT BE. It's so easy to hear, but not listen, but I'm rambling. To those folks that have every dollar eaten up by something or another, try setting aside a dollar fifty now and then, it adds up.
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
What if intelligence and common sense was mandatory, how many of you would fit the bill?
Posted by Dave Sherby (Member # 698) on :
Too bad it isn't. Then we'd all be residents.
Posted by William Holohan (Member # 2514) on :
A little input from a non sign painter...
I went to work for Gemini Signs as a foto fondler and vectorizer. No sign experience whatsoever. Found the board while trying to get an understanding of the business.
Having been in the major property rehab field for years, I saw things that could be improved at Gemini. I knew that there "had to be a better way" to do this. Many, many hours of searching the archives of this board, finding the right info, then passing it on to the folks at work, has made an enormous difference to both the quality of output at Gemini Signs and to the cash flow.
I have gotten a "masters degree" in sign shop techniques and managemant from this board. Absolutely the best $50 I have ever spent. The design people now design better signs. The fabricators now do things in an entirely different way than when I arrived. The bottom line gross income is now $150,000 better than last year. (Thanks to the Estimate program that was suggested here) Not through what I knew, but through what the wonderfull people here at Letterville freely shared on this board.
14 cents a day!!! The very best bargain on the web.
Thank you Steve and Barb and every fine contributor to the baord.
Posted by Terry Whynott (Member # 1622) on :
I can't help but compare it to subscribing to the magazines. I never think twice about renewing my subscriptions. Signcraft, as awesome as it is, comes 6 times a year. I look through it for the first couple days after it arrives, drool over the pictures, read the articles and to the shelf it goes. Then I wait for 2 months for the next one.
Letterville is here 24 hours a day.
You can't interact with a magazine. You can't ask questions regarding anything you see in them. You don't win prizes from them. You don't make friends from them.
Letterville is so much more than any magazine could ever offer. Frankly, with the exception of Signcraft, I find the other magazines to really be lacking lately. Not lacking advertisements, though.
Is there a magazine you'd be willing to put on hold for a year and put it towards Letterville instead?
All that said, I still think that those who have been around for so long and have never contributed $, will never contribute.
Some get it, some don't.
[ September 01, 2003, 12:09 PM: Message edited by: Terry Whynott ]
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
Ok here is my 2 cents and that may be all its worth if that.
People use this site for free cuz they CAN.
You don't get sign craft for free because you CAN'T
people still buy sign craft and if you cant afford a subscription then you don't.
this will be the way it will be, and it ain't gonna change, unless the powers that be change it.
You can never fully rely on peoples good wills to pony up money for something they get for free already.
Its like the sign biz, if they already HAVE the sign or design then why pay for it???? the drive is just not there.
You offer a value for a fee then people if they want the value they pay the fee.
plain and simple!!!
Obviously the honor system isn't producing the numbers required, if a fee to access the BB is required? and numbers drop? so does bandwidth needed and hence overhead expenses.
Kinda like the raising your prices debate we all know so well...raise you prices 10%..lose 10% of your customers...work less...make the same amount of money, become a happier camper.
I know this isn't about raising the numbers or how much Steve and Barb make but more about people seeing the value, sometimes people need to be SHOWN the value, if it flows so freely then the value is less perceived.
[ September 01, 2003, 12:48 PM: Message edited by: Bob Rochon ]
Posted by Terry Whynott (Member # 1622) on :
Another thought. You can't take everything away from non-residents. People would never be able to see what they are missing out on.
What if the BB was viewable, kinda like looking through the window at a Letterhead meet, but only residents can actually post and join in. People could read all they want but wouldn't be able to participate until they move in. Maybe even keep the search feature only open to residents.
One more thought. For those who are having money issues, maybe offering a six month option for half the price. $25 dollars might be a little easier on the budget.
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
Bob is right. Most people aren't going to pay for something they can get for free. Usually, they have to be forced to pay for it. Very few are going to suddenly realize the worth and decide it's time to pony up the dough.
To me, $50 is nothing when it comes to letterville. I think about the advice I've gotten here, the meets I've gone to that I learned about here & the friends I've made here that I can call & pick their brains. Hell, my closest friends are here. Then I think about where I was before I found letterville. There is no way I would be where I am now if it weren't for letterville.
Maybe if people are too damn cheap to lay out $50, we could set up a $5 a month or maybe $6 if they can pay by paypal, etc. (to cover the fees). There have been some other ideas thrown in here that should at least be given thought...disable search feature, disable posting, not sure if these are the route to go, but definately worth thought.
There will always be freeloading bastards who have their hand out for everything they can get for free.
Posted by Ray Rheaume (Member # 3794) on :
Well, after hitting the chat room last night and reading some of the above responses, I think clarification of my original post is in order.
First and foremost, it was never my intention to "shame" anyone for not registering in Letterville. I'd originally posted what I thought to be good reasons to support the site based on my own experience.
I also realise that each member has thier own circumstances, personal and financial, which is no one's business but thier own, and far be it from me to pry.
The original post was more or less food for thought for those members sitting on the fence about registering.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
make it run at dial-up speed for visitors
actually I think if our money is needed, it should be required. If it's not required it should not be discussed. period.
I worked in a reforestation coop for years & we made decisions by consensus (not democratic as in majority rules, but unanimous, more like a jury where everyone must agree)It was interesting, & since everyone was also an owner of the company the outcome of our decisions affected peoples livelihood.
There was no one in charge, but there was a lot of peer pressure, bullying, & bad vibeing done. There was an unofficial hierarchy based more on seniority, & productivity then good business sense or diplomacy.
I'm glad there is someone in charge here! The peer pressure, bullying, & bad vibeing got really old, really fast IMHO
Posted by Karen Sartain (Member # 241) on :
Ray today:
quote:First and foremost, it was never my intention to "shame" anyone for not registering in Letterville. I'd originally posted what I thought to be good reasons to support the site based on my own experience.
Ray yesterday:
quote:I can't help but wonder how some one who frequents this board can't find a way to cough up the meager $50 to become a resident and help support this invaluable resource.
Maybe I'm not having that good of a 'focus'day, but your leading sentence from yesterdays original post sounds a little 'shaming' to me. As we discussed last night in chat, the problem with the crowd that wants to "help" Steve & Barb out with sort of a mini membership drive by giving rousing testimonials of what Letterville means to them just MIGHT be having the opposite effect on alot of nonresidents. There is NOTHING wrong at all with posting how much you appreciate Letterville and how much it means to you/has done for you, but it should probably best be left at that. Everyones situation is different, and there is no way to tell how many "visitors" contribute behind the scenes on a regular basis, (which I'm sure Steve & Barb might agree is as much wothwhile to the sites success as is a $50 contribution)...so, when the ball gets rolling with the main theme being 'how cheap do ya have to be to not see the worth in ponying up the bucks' or inferring that those that have 'visitor' under their names are 'freeloaders'....well, it tends to turn people off BIGTIME. I'll have to agree with Doug..if Steve & Barb want to REQUIRE Residency, then they can tell us and we'll either pay up or not.
Posted by Cam Bortz (Member # 55) on :
One of the selling points SignCraft uses with it's advertisers is that they do not offer free subscriptions or free copies; based on the idea that people who get the magazine have paid for it and, and as such, it has greater value.
But it's not my decision, any more than any other policy decisions here. Our opinions on the matter are just that - opinions, and like a certain part of the anatomy, everybody has one.
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
We appreciate all the kind words, but I have to jump in here and clear up some misconceptions.
Letterville is not going anywhere. It was here when there was no income, and it will always be here in some form. The website is getting by just fine. Lots of quality Merchants and many longtime, loyal Residents.
I've always been a sign maker and Letterhead. We could make a great living selling products, appearing in booths at trade shows as supplier reps, and tranforming Letterville into another Merchant driven website. Seems like the right thing to do if one is really worried about making big bucks.
Letterville was started as a hobby. We love our Merchants, but our real interest is those that run small sign shops like we did. We rarely had the time or money to attend trade shows, and preferred the company of those doing the same thing we were. I'm not anti-corporation, just fanatical about Letterheads and the people that struggle to keep doing what they love day after day.
There are many these days that are looking to have their endevours sponsored by corporation dollars. Nothing wrong with that, but you do have an obligation to serve the hand that feeds you. At this point in my life, I am just not interested in running a corporate sponsored website. I keep hearing Neil Young singing " I Ain't Singing For Coke."
We need more Residents. In the early years, there was really not much added value in becoming a Resident. There was a time we were called beggars and yes, many times that is exactly what we felt like. All that has changed.
Forget the value of the BB. I've always believed in the Letterhead idea of free exchange of knowlege. I've never had to pay for that knowledge at a live meet, and I believe it should be the same here. We do pay a price at live meets, but that is just to help cover costs like food and all the other stuff. A host can, but should not have to, carry all the costs associated with housing and feeding their guests.
When you become a Resident, you get some really cool perks. There is a download area full of fonts and clipart. You get your photo beside your post and the recognition that goes along with that. Then there is the Resident Monthly Draw.
We're at a loss why more are not involved just for this draw. Every month we give away a bunch of really cool door prizes donated by our Merchants. Over the years, these goodies have often included software and/or sign toys worth hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars. Your 50 bucks ensures your name is in the hat for 12 monthly draws. Win just once and your $50 is covered for years. I would really like to learn why more are not interested in this perk alone? Is it possible some don't know about it?
Gotta cut this short. The bottom line is that the site is doing ok. We're delighted with our Merchants, and hope they are getting good value for their investment. Our only concern is that we haven't been able to sell the users on stepping forward and helping to support a website that is dedicated to them. Letterville is the loudest voice the smaller sign biz has ever had. It's our playground. Let's look after our own thing.
Posted by Dave Sherby (Member # 698) on :
If that's the case Steve, I wish you hadn't wetted my appetite with some features Letterville COULD have if there were more residents.
But in re-reading your post, think about what you said. We pay a price to attend live Letterhead meets to cover the costs. Its not an optional fee, if you're going to attend, you pay the fee. Letterville obviosly has costs too. You shouldn't be paying for those costs. Those of us that use the board and benefit from it should be paying the costs.
I agree with some of the other comments where the viewing of the bullboard could be free but any posting, portfolio submissions, auctions, draws, would require membership. I'm confident that at $20 to $25 a year, you'd have residents in the thousands.
Just my opinion. I hope you can find out why others won't join as residents, but I still think its because they don't HAVE to pay.
Posted by James Donahue (Member # 3624) on :
It's something like quarter to 3 in the morning, must have been one of those "too much caffiene days". My mind keeps kicking an idea around, maybe if I say it, I can get some rest, but maybe I'll just think about something else.
Unfortunatly, I have to be the jerk, idiot, bonehead, bozo-brain that disagrees:
I know this is another one of those issues that hinges on one word, like: MOST people don't pay because they don't have to, but it's simply illogical to say flat-out that people don't pay because they don't have to. The proof is that some people ARE PAYING (residents). The question is: why are they paying?
I know Steve said don't worry about it, but I'm fascinated with marketing, and I'm looking at it from that perspective. Just a mental excersize sort of thing, since we're all involved in marketing. I'm thinking: find out the most common reasons that SOME are paying, and focus on those "common denominators".
My thoughts are that any "marketing" of Letterville ought to involve bringing in folks in the trade that have never heard of this place, so that they can change from thinking "It's me vs the other shops", to "my decisions affect the trade as a whole".
Posted by Larry Elliott (Member # 263) on :
Folks, this horse has been kicked to death in the past and has never gotten anywhere by a few of the self-appointed board police. It has only alienated a few people that have contributed to the overall function and growth of this BB by participating in helping others. Trying to 'shame' someone into joining or calling someone "cheap bastards", "deadbeats" (and the list could go on from posts of years gone by) is about as ignorant of a way to entice someone to join as can be imagined. Many people contribute more that mere money to support this board, I for one have spent several hours helping people here with a broad range of problems, yes I've even posted helpful replies to some of the ones in the past that tried this 'shameful' attack on the non-residents. Yes, I could afford the 50 bucks but I still stand by my principle of not paying for the 'rights' to help someone and 'helping' my friends is what I thought the Letterhead spirit was all about. It appears some have misinterpreted the Letterhead movement as much as I'm sure they will this post. And who knows, I might even take the time to help some of you residents with a problem that saves you time and money, if I do, feel free to send an extra 10 spot to 'your' favorite charity.
Posted by Michael Berry (Member # 2604) on :
un freeking beleiveable..........
I pay because I can and the fact of the matter is that this board is PRICELESS! I wish more had my theory.
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
I agree with Terry Whynott. Some get it, some don't.
I'm noticing that some come here thinking they only give, without getting anything back. Wow, imagine that!
Then there are those who help so often on here without giving it a mention, choosing rather to speak with appreciation of what they reap. These are the ones that exude the Letterhead Spirit at it's finest for me
There are no self-imposed police on here and no one can shame anybody without their consent. You can view these enthuisiastic posts as shaming, or as gratitude. I see many folks who care about and appreciate this site. That's refreshing.
Posted by Tony Potter (Member # 1199) on :
I rarely work on signs. I hop on the BB to see the tips and comments on how-to. I agree that it is an incredible resource unequaled anywhere.
I was a resident a couple of years back and will admit that with all the stuff I have going on, I keep forgetting to take the time to fill out the form and mail it in... nor do I have easy access to a fax machine. Someone mentioned PayPal or some other form of payment... Hopefully my situation is not in the majority, but I think that if there was an easier (like a button to click and insert credit card number here or something while it is on my thinly coherent mind), I would be a resident. I have priinted out the form maybe 6 times and forget where i put it...
Sure, it is worth the fee easily. But it is also available even though I keep forgetting.
One of these days, I will remember and have everything at hand when it is on my mind... But I do not feel degraded for not paying just cause some people talk about how good it is. I agree.
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
Now theres a refreshing point Tony Potter, a click on button where it takes your credit card or debit card number. I like it
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
Larry has the right idea. People should not be ashamed or harassed for choosing to remain Visitors. I've said many times that the Letterhead ideals concerning the free exchange of knowledge is something I firmly believe in. Use of the BB and access to information is free to all. I've even shared a few secrets myself over the past 20 years. Hold your applause. I'm no hero. Fact is, that's what Letterheads do.
The question I am asking involves the perceived value of the Resident Perks package. Think of it as the food and door prizes at a live meet.
Several Residents won some very cool things last year. Some won more than once, and others are still waiting for their names to come up. With 12 chances to win one of the several goodies offered each month, the odds are definitly in your favor.
Even those that never won anything in the draw, received a free Tramp CD valued at $95 last year. Residents actually came out $45 bucks ahead. Did your other investments return almost twice what you invested? Forget there even is a BB. This in itself seems to me like a great offer.
I know everyone loves free stuff. There's always a big crowd of Letterheads with crossed fingers, at live meet door prize drawings. We don't get it. Why so little interest in these perks?
[ September 02, 2003, 01:41 PM: Message edited by: Steve Shortreed ]
Posted by Larry Elliott (Member # 263) on :
Steve, Thanks for the understanding comment. Your referee functions are unsurpassed, I can't imagine the fortitude needed to umpire a bunch of tempermental artist like us.
As for the perks, I'm sure they are worth many times over the cost of registering and the monthly drawing even adds more benefits. I might have joined someday when the notion became an interest but the clique that seems to dominate most of the posts on this site still has the same attitude of 'I joined so everybody should'. I'm glad you all did, that was your choice, I (or anyone else) should not be belittled for the small amount of time we can set aside to spend here.
I did not make the previous post to 'toot' my own horn for taking time to help my fellow signmakers, it was merely stated as to show there are more ways than sending $50 to support this site. Many visitors contribute much more technical help than many of the paid residents.
There are better things to do today than defend the position of us "cheap deadbeats" that skulk in the background and waste bandwidth so dearly paid for by the residents,,, I've got signs to make.
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
The BEST part about this "clique" we have here is that E V E R Y O N E is welcome to be a part of it. Residents and Visitors alike.
In my view, the instances of actual malicious belittling are far less than folks taking things too personally and getting bent. The only way stuff can get to you is if you let it. Heck, I've been shredded on here before! No big Whup!
Just no way to control people's emotions, here or anywhere ... just our own. That's life. Larry's right about Steve being the best ref!
The bottom line is, IOAF50 ... do whatcha want with it! Now, how 'bout we get over ourselves and make it a great day! heehee!
Posted by Bob Burns (Member # 268) on :
Von Dutch told me once "THERE'S AN ASS FOR EVERY SEAT"! Everybody's got their own way of doing things. We may agree or NOT.....whatever.....who cares! We spend all of our lives putting up with people.....some handle it better than others. But, what the hell, we should learn to enjoy our differences rather than "fight" it. If Steve wants to put up with our crap or NOT....this is HIS ball game so we have to put up with HIM too....So,if you wanna be a Resident, pay the damn $50 and shut up, or DON'T!!!! .....NOBODY CARES.....! Boy, am I cranky!!!!
Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
Hi Rapid Ray- Nice to meet you @ Pierre's. I agree that Letterville is priceless. I would be a resident even without the perks. But getting to know folks like Steve-n-Barb (Lydia, too) thru the site is probably the biggest perk for me. That, and the tons of free promos for the Mars meet, the instant answers to questions, and the friendships I've developed. Becoming a resident, to me, is the "RIGHT" thing to do. It's well worth the money, better than a magazine subscription, and I think it's important not to take the free ride, even if you can. To those who can't afford a residency, at least they can benefit from Letterville. No one will holler at them if they can't ante up. I am so glad to have found Letterville. I go to the library to log on, because if I had it at home, I'd never get any signs done. I'd be on it all day! Love-JILL