Yesterday as I continued my travel home from FKAB, a tornado hit our area. Luckily, the only thing here at the house is a bunch of twigs & leaves everywhere, but other areas weren't as lucky. Of course, they aren't saying it's officially a tornado yet, but from the damage, it was.
This morning, a nasty storm came through. Before the hail started a few minutes ago, the lightning hit our transformer (just outside the bedroom window) & took out 1 phone line (the house line, the 1 I use for the internet.) Right now, I'm connected through the interface box in the basement. Just got on to try to check the weather & decided I'd post on what is going on here cause I'll probably be out-of-the-loop for a bit. I can't use my main isp (their power is out too) so I'm using my traveling isp to connect, but their email website isn't letting me on. They're saying our phone should be fixed between 8 & 6 tomorrow.
Judy, got your file last night, but OE won't let it come through. Can you break it down & send to me?
Sticky, I thought of you. Wish I coulda got picts of the sparks & spectacular light show coming from our transformer. You would have loved to see it.
Is there anywhere I can move that I don't have to deal with this weather garabge?
[ August 27, 2003, 09:47 AM: Message edited by: Kissymatina ]
Posted by Kathy Joiner (Member # 1814) on :
Yes Kissy, you may want to consider Mars to escape planet earth weather! You don't have to call your real estate agent, just walk outside tonight for a viewing.
Sorry you are having bad weather. But we all know you can BE the sunshine.
Posted by Suelynn Sedor (Member # 442) on :
Glad to see you made it home okay Kissy! Hope there isn't any more damage.
Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :
Parts of the Atacama Desert in Chile haven’t had rain in over 400 years–probably no tornadoes either.
There’s not much sign work available anymore since centuries ago, the Indians scraped out of the ground large stone graphics called geoglyphs, which can be fully appreciated only from the air.
Posted by The Moon (Member # 452) on :
In California here we have passive/aggressive weather... well, it likes to think it's aggressive. I'm at 4000' elevation and we get all four seasons, but they are NOTHING compared to the wicked storm tantrums you all get back east. I sure hope it calms down back there for you!
And about Mars... being a Water Sign (Scorpio) ruled emotionally by Mars... that planet is really playing some wicked games with me. Moving TO Mars would probably kill me by overloading my mental transformers!
The upside down and bass-ackwards side of the Moon
Posted by Mark Rogan (Member # 3678) on :
OH!! Is that why I'm a mental case these past few days? I'm a Scorpio as well. I woke up the other night and without even sitting up, the Moon, Venus and Mars were all together, framed directly in the half-round window at the foot of the bed. It was like I was "summoned" to take a look. Weired, huh? And I thought it was the fumes from the One Shot Hardener!!
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
Don't move here, we haven't had it snow in many years it only rains during our winter months October to April, and thats only sometimes. Our summers are horrorfying with tempertures going into the 105º+ and never any rain in sight till late September. Don't move here as we have too many people as it is from SoCal and all over this planet, even me
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
WooHoo!!! Power came back on (right after I lit every candle I could find). Never before have I been so grateful to hear the soft gurgling from the fish tank. MmHank & Bob (the fish)are happy too.
Posted by Judy Pate (Member # 237) on : you are back in business! Send the emails..hope you can open them. Judy
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
Kissy thats what you get when you plug the hot curlers in while the microwave popcorn is cooking, at 4am during a hail storm, on the 26th of August during the passing of mars, while being trampled by a heard of baby pigmy zebras.