Hello.. I have a friend who has an old Edge 1 with a bad print head.
Is this something that she can change herself or is it necessary for her to send it in.
I work on computer equipment & took a look at her machine & it seems to not be a big deal to change the print head.
Has any of you experts changed your own edge print head & could you provide some tips or tricks?
The place she deals with said it could cost between $3500 to $7k to re[place it for her & they would only give her a 90 day warranty.
Any advice would greatly be appreciated.
Thank you very much!
M.S. info@pwcgraphics.com
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
You really need to send it in. I don't know of any time where Gerber has sold a printhead outright.
Personally, I would prefer Gerber to fix mine because they are going calibrate it and go through and replace any other parts that are showing wear and tear.