I have a very nice set of Runes that are sitting around unused. If someone would like them, please let me know.
Runes are an alphabetic script used by the peoples of Northern Europe from the first century c.e. until well into the Middle Ages. In addition to their use as a written alphabet, the runes also served as a system of symbols used for magic and divination. Runes fell into disuse as the Roman alphabets became the preferred script of most of Europe, but their forms and meanings were preserved in inscriptions and manuscripts.
The primary characteristic which distinguishes a runic alphabet from other alphabets is that each letter, or rune, has a meaning. For example, whereas "ay", "bee", and "cee" are meaningless sounds denoting the first three letters in our alphabet, the names of the first three runes, "fehu", "uruz", and "žurisaz" are actual words in the Germanic language, meaning "cattle", "aurochs", and "giant", respectively. Runes also have magical and religious significance as well, thus transforming the simple process of writing into a magical act. They are also used for divinatory readings and to create magical spells.
Today, runes have been rediscovered as a symbolic system and have gained immense popularity as a means of divination. They are, however, much more than a curious alternative to Tarot cards for telling fortunes. They provide a key to understanding the lives and beliefs of the ancient people who created them, and have much to teach us about a way of life that was perhaps more inimately connected to the natural world, and to the realm of spirit, than our own. The information on this site is adapted from 'Raido: The Runic Journey' by Jennifer Smith, copyright 1994.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
I would be happy to recieve a set of Runes & would be willing to pay the shipping if you haven't already got a taker.
*edit* I wanted to add that my wife is a very spiritual & mystical sort & has a great deal of interest in various ancient traditions in this realm. Although I am sure she is aware of Runes, she doesn't have a set, so if they are available, I would be passing them on to her.
Nice description you included on your post BTW
[ August 21, 2003, 05:12 PM: Message edited by: Doug Allan ]
Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
Ok, they're on the way. There is no book with them explaining how to do them but I'm sure any library would have one, or you could find lots of information on the internet.
BTW, they were my dad's.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
Thanks Kimberly! I just emailed you, but I see now that your signature shows a different email then the one I get by clicking the link above your post. I'll try the other one now.
Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
Yes, I got your email. The one in my signature is my dad's old one that I still have. Either one works fine. I should probably change that.
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
doug your wife and mine would get along well. she is the same, with her indian druming, indian cards, goes to full moon ceramonies, and does I CHING. the house is FENG SCWAYED, got tiny mirrors above the toilets, flowers in the corners etc etc. the only thing i will not mess with or allow into the house(which is very peaceful)is TAROT OR WEGEE BOARD.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
don't forget the Ti leaves in the 4 corners of the property, the Hawaiian sea-salt for general spirit "cleansing" & a menagerie of various angel nic-nacs.
Posted by Gail & Dave Beattie (Member # 572) on :
thank you Kimberly, what a wonderful post
when I see something like this my mind goes in 4 directions at once
your dad was a respected man in his field and with that sort of admiration there is always a keen interest in knowing more of the person held in high esteem with one sentence
quote:BTW, they were my dad's
we get to see another piece of the puzzle
your understanding of runes in a broader sence than just divination gives those of us who have not used them a wonderful insite into an otherwise unknown subject
The fact that you wish to send them out into the world so that someone else can experience, learn and grow more knowledgeable gives me a sense of the strength of these tools
Doug's wife will no doubt take another step in her journey by virtue of this gift and the door that opens for her could lead anywhere
what a great way to start a new day
and joe, i am reminded of what an old mystic teacher of mine once said, 'a crystal ball can be a great focus for your energies... but you can do the same thing with a glass of water'
cards are just pieces of paper, and weegee boards are only cardboard and plastic to play at business we use a monopoly board to play at battle we use a chess board to play at communication some use a weegee board
as always it's the intent which determines a positive or negative outcome
cheers gail
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
WOW. i wrote a paper in Runes my sophmore college humanities class. Professor liked it but then asked for a translation. Got an "A" You brought back some good memories.. If doug changed his mind i'd love to get them..
Thank you
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
gail, i hear what your saying...but..PLAYING with those doors is not something that the novice should do.....TAROT & WEGEE BOARDS tend to open channels to places that no one knows or has control off. and i will never change my view on those........these are the demons tools......and demons are another story!!!!
[ August 22, 2003, 01:14 AM: Message edited by: old paint ]
Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
Thanks Gail,
What a nice post.
Yes, my father was a very spiritual person. He was constantly on a "search". I hope that he finally found whatever it was he was looking for. Peace I hope.