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Posted by Rick Beisiegel (Member # 3723) on :
I guess this ia as good a spot as any to mention this. I have sent graphics, clip art, and vehicle outlines via email to many letterheads.I probably won't do it anymore. I bought and paid for this software. It is part of our arsenal for doing buisness. Don't get me wrong, I do not mind sharing with someone who dosen't want to buy $500 worth of software for just one little clipart. I've been in that spot myself.

However, I have yet to receive a "thank you" for any of it. I suppose it's my business if I decide to share a clipart with aomeone or not, but, how easy is it to send an email thanks?? Just ranting, I suppose. But, Please thank others who do you a favor. Especially when it saves you time and/or money. In this business, the network we build can never be under estimated.

Since I became a Letterhead, I've outsoursed work to fellow 'heads' and so far have been pleased. I have also received work from other heads. To you all, I say "Thanks" Even if all you did was respond to a question
Posted by Dwayne Hunter (Member # 133) on :
I must say it's rare that I ask or send any artwork to anyone...not that I won't, but the opportunity hasn't presented itself.

However, the one person I've 'swapped' with is Dave Simpson from SignDNA...I get a call about once or twice a year from Dave. After I get harassed about my accent for a lil' bit, we start discussing what he's lookin' for and what I might use. The last time we swapped files, I sent him 4 or 5 of my original files, but he sent me, gosh, maybe 30 or 40 different lil' pieces to work with...I've yet to use them, but the fact of the matter is the whole thing just went plain cooooool...

I know what you're sayin', tho: it ain't no fun giving and giving and receivin' no gratitude...I've seen that side, too...just on a more local level...That's why I charge for EVERYTHING, cept' maybe advice now...Just today, I ragged one of the new "quick-stick" guys about a really choppy logo he designed...Didn't charge him a dime!!!
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
Rick, I want to thank you for bringing this post to my attention so I don't have to feel alone. Whatever may be, a thank you is always in order.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
I have had better responses from similar help I've offered, but have felt the chill of apathy or disregard myself a time or two.

Even on posts asking for info. I think too often the original poster never checks back in with a follow up or a thank-you & as attempts at helpfull replies stack up, one sometimes wonders if they are being read by the post-er, or if they forgot about it.

I agree, lets show our appreciation here & everywhere.
Posted by Michael Berry (Member # 2604) on :
Your right, just "shared" an outline to a fella not too long ago, never did hear a word....guess I might think twice about doing it again.

Thanks for the reminder!
Posted by W. R. Pickett (Member # 3842) on :
As long as you expect gratitude from other human beings, you will always be dissapointed.

(except for me of course!)

and...THANK YOU for reading my lame response!!!
Posted by Terry Baird (Member # 3495) on :
Although I agree that the basic courtesy of a "thank you" would be nice, remember what this site is about. My Dad always said that if I ever lent money to a friend, think of it as a gift, not a loan. That way if you do get it back, it's a nice suprise. If there's anyone out there that I may have neglected to say thank you to over the years that I've been getting help from this site...Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Posted by Checkers (Member # 63) on :
You're right Rick, most people don't appreciate a helping hand anymore. I'm sure I'm guilty of it once in a while too.
From what I sense from these people "looking for clip art" is that these people are just bad. They're looking for a cheap way out or a free ride because they're either too lazy to find it themselves or to cheap to buy the appropriate software.
Naturally, there's always exceptions to the rules. Come to think about it, are there really any rules to sign making? I have asked for font's or clip art in the past too. But, after realizing what I was doing to the vendors that are doing their best to support my business, I feel differently about it now.
This is part of doing business. Just like paying rent & utilities, buying materials and maintaining an inventory, updating software and maintaining a good stock of clip art is part of the cost of doing business. If you don't want to buy a full volume of clip art, you better know of a legitimate source to purchase what you need or be qualified to make your own.
Anyway, by offering clip art to anyone who asks, in a way, is like offering them a crutch when they need to walk on their own. Or, another way to look at it is that you're doing the same thing that pains so many of us. You're taking someone's design and recreating it without the permission of the owner. Sort of like, the sign shop up the street taking your design and making the sign for $50 less than what you quoted.
I got a little off topic here and I do apologize for rambling. Thank you for listening - err reading my thoughts.

Havin' fun,


p.s. I do feel that if you've created a vector file from client supplied art, you own the vector file and you can do what you wish with it. Including sharing it with friends as long as it's used in an appropriate manner.
Posted by Rick Beisiegel (Member # 3723) on :
Thanks for the responses! I didn't mean to shame anyone into thanking others. Just those who find themselves constantly in need. I have friends who are always needing somthing. Because they usually get a positive response from me, they will call on me. But, I have always felt appreciated.

Just in the past month I upgraded to Omega 2.0, bought a second license for Omega, and upgraded my PhotoShop. We spent real money becuse it was all legit software. You all know how much it costs.

I have noticed that some replies to clip art inquiries are "this or that vendor sells it" It may seem cold to some. And, if someone does another a favor, that's always nice too. Just appreciate it, that's all.
Posted by Rick Chavez (Member # 2146) on :
I don't use clip art or send any out, but I have answered questions and helped from time to time and recieve a thank you 75% of the time, and those thank you's make up for the ones who don't.
By the way Thank you [Wink]

Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :
I have often emailed privately someone who asks a question here, rather than boring everyone to distraction with another terminally wordy post. Almost always, I get a thank you reply.

I guess many here WERE listening when their mothers pressed them with: "What do you say?"
Posted by Don Coplen (Member # 127) on :
Maybe it's because part of my food and shelter comes from "clip art", but I think the people who should get the thank you are the ones who took the time to develop, publish, copyright and market it...I can't for the life of me figure out how somebody who takes food out of those people's families' mouths...whether it be a hamburger of a side of beef....would expect a thank you for giving away what isn't theirs to give away. You're one mouseclick verses the original artist's 100,000 mouseclicks. That copyright symbol is not just something to make the CD label look pretty.
Posted by Sonny Franks (Member # 588) on :
I know where you're coming from. I've had many requests at various Letterhead meets for a Dixie Letterhead t-shirt. After buying the shirts, setting up the screen, printing them, then mailing to several people, I'd estimate that I never heard from at least half of them. I'm not expecting undying gratitude, but damn, at least let me know it arrived in the mail.
My guess is that we've lost some top-notch people on this BB for the same reason. It's not much fun to try and help someone who doesn't have the minimum amount of courtesy to at least acknowledge your efforts.
Posted by Henry Barker (Member # 174) on :
I think its an internet thing or internet "mannerisms", and I have to agree with WR Pickett, the more you expect from human beings the more you get disappointed.

I find I am always trying to give abit more here at the shop...its often unappreciated, but I don't get down; some days it comes back at you in a really positive way.

I have to agree with Don on the copyright issues, most vendors here and in our market place are more than willing to help you out one time to make a contact, call or mail Christian at DAL or Dirk at Mr-Clipart, or Brian at Impact, for a one off vehicle outline or on some sites there is a feature to buy one image or file.

Don, Mike Jackson, Dave Butler, Dave Simpson, Dave Dorsey, etc etc all work really hard to provide us with something special for our trade, something we should support to ensure its continuation.

Logotypes or right free clipart I have no problem sharing and its nice to be able to point people in the right direction, and a "thanks" goes a long way, but life goes on without it too [Smile]
Posted by Rick Beisiegel (Member # 3723) on :
I must say I am impressed with the variety of responses this thread has generated. I too have all the DAL and Dave Dorsey stuff. It is very user friendly and very accurate. And, it's amazing the number of people who refuse to buy what they need to run a sign shop.

Although I've never smoked, I assume these are the same type who smoke, but don't ever buy any cigarettes. The cool thing is that Steve has made it easy to say Thanks.... [Thanks]

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