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Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
Seems to me of late, and I know everyone else has noticed it, tempers on this board are getting shorter and shorter. Used to be there were maybe one or two posts at the most that got heated remarks,but lately, seems it happens on every other post. Dont know if its due to personal problems or people just wanting to be combative, but sure seems to happen alot more than it used to. There has been times that remarks have been made by first time posters that they heard this was a place frequented by know it alls and smart alecks. Id hate to see that be the norm. Maybe its due to the state the country is in, the things going on in the middle east, hell the things going on in the world. I dont know. This is just an observation on my part for sure, but its something that maybe we need to address. So everybody, LIGHTEN UP. [Thanks]
Posted by Bob Stephens (Member # 858) on :
Egos are a big part of it John. I try very hard to check mine at the door.

You are right about the increased occurance lately and I avoid any topic that goes astray in a negative way. Instead I just lurk, read, and shake my head.

I like the sign making aspects of this board. Thats my main reason for being here.
Posted by Raymond Chapman (Member # 361) on :
What do you mean by that, Deaton? (It's a joke, folks)
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
I agree with John that we oughta all just lighten up on each other here.

Life in general gets crazy. Somedays you wake up and feel like you are off to battle again. And some of the silly hurdles that are tossed in front of you can really get anyone grumpy.

I've been enduring some rough spots and challenges lately, and mixed in there are some exciting happy stuff too. Get's to be an emotional overload somedays.

It could be easy not only to lash out at folks, but also to take things too personally, depending on the state of our own emotions. Somedays we handle things better than others. Self control and patience are always key.

This place ought to be a "safe" place for us. One where we can treat each other with some understanding and support. That doesn't mean that we should roll over and let each other slide on stuff either. But hey, we need to have some tact about it. Try not to "one-up" each other, and instead, really have consideration for whom we are talking to, before we respond.

Yes, we've got to be careful about putting each other down, but on the flip side, let's not get so easily bent about stuff. When in doubt, side with the positive, instead of assuming the worst in anyone's replies. Sometimes short or vague replies leave you wondering. Ask for clarification before running with any conclusions.

Dispite our vastly varied personalities, we do share a common thread. We just gotta cut each other some slack.

I appreciate you folks!
Posted by Jonathan Androsky (Member # 2806) on :
Yeah, it's been getting ugly. I know I really don't post all that often but I read this board every day, and there has been a definite downhill slide over the past few weeks.

I've seen quite a few things posted lately that have gotten my hackles up, but I try to make it a point to just shake it off and move on to posts that I can either contribute to constructively or learn something from. Isn't that why we're supposed to be here?
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
Text is a double edge sword.

It conveys a message but leaves so much on the interpretation side, unlike a face to face conversation or even a phone conversation where tone and emotion is present, text chating or posting has neither, which is important for full interpretation of whatever is said.

We lack so many writing skills in todays "online" text speaking world, and its getting even worse in chat programs even phones.

Then again sometimes as I know people kid around and if nobody knows the relationship it appears " mean"

and then there are those who blatently attack, as I have been guilty of most of these myself.

Its all part of the journey I guess. [Dunno]
Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
A bunch of us have been talking about the same thing at work. Everyone seems cranky lately, both the employees AND the guests. No one can quite figure out what's going on but it sure makes for a LONG night.
Posted by Robert Larkham (Member # 2913) on :
Think.....then type. This would solve many problems.

I've been as guilty as any around here. Trying lately to find some peace within myself so as not to lash out on others. It's a hard task somedays but one I hope to overcome. None of us are perfect and sometimes need to be reminded of that. Not by anyone else but by looking inward and finding our own faults. I have many and will continue to try and change them. Cheers! [Smile] [Smile] [Smile] [Cool] [Applause]
Posted by CJ Allan (Member # 52) on :
Venus, Mars, Moon, Politicians, but mostly, the ability to be able to type anything ya want, from the safety of your own private little space, without any concquences, can all add up to irritabiliy.

I try to stay out of just about everything anymore, but will "Always" stand up for a friend, someone I respect, or someone that can't defend themselves very well.

It is universal, not just here....!!

Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
There are no double edged swords, those are called daggers and CJ, you're a pain in the ass and John, stick with what ya know best! Nettster, change your style and try doing a more modern look. Robert, you're also a pain in the butt with your snide remarks, and Jonathan's photo with his head tilted and that smirk on his face cracks me up. [Smile] [Smile] [Smile] [Smile]
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
joey ...YOUR A POLCKIAN!!!!!!!
Posted by CJ Allan (Member # 52) on :
Naw OP..
Joey just rolled one, and is in one of his mellower moods....... [Smile] [Smile]

Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
thats our "joey".....hehehehehehehe
Posted by Rick Beisiegel (Member # 3723) on :
Whoa! So true the words that started this thread. I feel like this should be an oasis from the ignorance of the public all of us endure every day. I always find enjoyment from the board in general, but potshots at anybodys work or person are uncomfortable for every one.

There are posts I always read, OP, Doug, Steve. We know these by first name because they don't usually post unless it's constructive. Ok, OP does get cranky, but it's usually funny and non-destructive.

Let's not take ourselves so seriously, and use the board to upbuild each other. Very few occupations have this "brotherhood" if you will where you can post a question and within minutes get a real live answer from someone who can help. I for one love this place and it has been set as my home page for months.
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
thank you rick, only thing i get cranky about is politics and sensorship. any other times iam to busy laughing at me.....i alway try to come on here with my "sence of huumor" intact....also this thread reminds me of one of my favorite songs...WHAT'S GOIN ON by marvin gaye......i remember most of the words, if you can find it give it a listen.....says a lot!!!!

[ August 16, 2003, 05:55 PM: Message edited by: old paint ]
Posted by Jonathan Androsky (Member # 2806) on :
Oh Yeah Joey?! Them's fightin' words! Hey I might look like a duffus but at least I'm not wearing a PINK shirt ! (See a guy in a pink shirt ) And to think I was gonna buy a KillerKart for myself for Christmas.

...Wait ... those Karts are really cool ... [Wink]
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
whoooooa.....ITS A POLOCKIAN raggin on a POLOCKIAN....hahahahahahahahahahahahahah
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
Jonathan, thats a Rapid-Tac shirt in Magenta not pink but how would yoy know that, after all you're just a signmaker. The KillerKarts are all gone until I start making them again hopefully with the help of Robert Beverly. Acually I'm not a Pocklian like Old Paint Joe which is a cross between a Polock and an Italian, I am a Slovac [Smile]
Posted by Jonathan Androsky (Member # 2806) on :
POLOCKIAN?!?!?!? Hey now OP, aren't you from PA? I bettcha you know how to Polka! Probably even have an accordian! I need a Chicken Dance Graemlin here [Big Grin] !

Slovak, eh Joey? Guess I gotta call a truce, I'm a Slovak too. Keep me posted on those Karts would you?

(post edited due to stupidity)

[ August 16, 2003, 06:20 PM: Message edited by: Jonathan Androsky ]
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
I have noticed some tempers on here shorter than normal lately. I don't know the cause of this, I just know when I get irritated at a post or whatever, I try to walk away so I can calm down before posting & not blatantly attack anyone (except maybe that Rochon guy aka "hatfields", cause he's just wierd and deserves blatant attacks [Wink]

Now, this hurts to say but I do agree with Rochon that sometimes people joke around & if others don't know their relationship, it comes across as mean. There are a lot of close friendships here and no one can be in-the-know about all of them. And there are references to stuff from chats or meets that make the people who were there laugh til it hurts but seems just wierd or mean to others. When I post something that I think may be taken by others out-of-the-loop so to speak, the wrong way, I try to include a smily face (see above).

signed, "mccoys" [Smile]

[ August 16, 2003, 07:02 PM: Message edited by: Kissymatina ]
Posted by Rob McCauley (Member # 2735) on :
Sorry John, blame it all on me [Wink]
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
hahahaha john...yes iam from pa. washington county. bobby venton used to play at our high school dances, perry como is from the same place. one of the guys who taught me to paint...lives in cannosburg and does a radio program from there and its all polka music. his radio name is POLKA MIKE!!!! i took accordian lessons from a "slovak" and he also taught me to sing the polkas in "polish"! as for slovak....its the southern POLOCKS.....HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEE this is one of those a continuation from late nite chat....joey and i are like the "GRUMPY OLD MEN".
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
Am I the only one hearing Marvin Gaye in the background?
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
glenn and i agreeing on somthing......also this thread reminds me of one of my favorite songs...WHAT'S GOIN ON by marvin gaye..
Posted by The Moon (Member # 452) on :
Glenn I can't get that song outta my head!!!

(Voice this with an Irish accent from a tough Matron of the pub, with a smile.) I think everyone just needs to come to THIS online letterhead meet nekid! THEN they'll be no bellyaching or cryin' going on.

...and when you least expect it the Masked Red Thong Window will pop up on your screen! LOL

The Up Way Too Late on a school night side of the Moon

...and don't mis-spell thong with an "i" [Wink] otherwise things get WAY too weird! [Big Grin]
Posted by Bill Cosharek (Member # 1274) on :
Lousy internet connections.
Slow-loading animated gif's.
Possibly other subliminal stuff nobody knows about. Don't know.

[Dunno] [Dunno] [Dunno]
Posted by Ray Rheaume (Member # 3794) on :
ummmm.....what tempers?

I thought it was the ADD thing again... [Dunno]


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