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Posted by Troy Haas (Member # 472) on :
Just curious...

I spoke (typed) on another post about my activites with Youth Soccer in our area. I will copy it below for those who didn't see it.

I know Dave Draper is real heavy into baseball in his area. I realize that Dave and I are into "Youth Sports", but any Youth activity would apply here.

I am just curious as to what other people do in thier area as far as with youth. I know many here have donated a sign/banner or maybe sponsor a team in some way.

What I am curious about is who actually gives thier time, and energy to our youth. As they say... "Our Youth are our Future"

Here is what I am involved in at this moment...

Right now, I have the Recreation Soccer League that
1. I'm on the board of Directors
2. I'm U-12 Comissioner
3. In the spring I coach my daughters U-10 team
and in the Fall I coach a Boys U-12 team.

I am also involved heavily in Megan's Select Soccer Club where I am...

1. On the Veterans Memorial Tournamant Committee
2. I am on the Uniform and Image Committee
3. I am the Team Manager for Megan's U-10 Select
Travel team.

As well as I will ride the lawn mower over at the fields from time to time.

Let's Hear your stuff....
Posted by Murray MacDonald (Member # 3558) on :
Can't agree more. I started out on the executive board of my kid's nursery school co-op when they were 2ish, moved on to coaching t-ball, being on the board of their after school program, ringette, volunteer timer with competitive swimming, ballet and every other activity they were part of. Helped my stay close to both daughters, their friends and get to know friend's parents. As they have gotten older, they focussed on only one activity. Our business also made donations to fundraisers, provided signage etc.
And now as the last of our combined seven is on her way to first year University - we are suffering Empty Nest Elation!!!
Posted by Michael Clanton (Member # 2419) on :
I coach 5th & 6th grade boys basketball team at the christian school where my wife teaches. We also have a AAU team in the off season. I also coach the jr./sr high golf team (good excuse to get to play golf.) This year my wife gave me her old job of Athletic Director, so I am involved with lots sports: volleyball, flag football, golf, baseball,and of course, basketball.
Posted by Bill&Jane Diaz (Member # 2549) on :
Jane here...
Boy, did you hit the nail on the head! Being an ex-school teacher (art) I really miss the connection I had everyday with kids. They really are our future and we need to inform them about the ARTS, especially! We do a lot with kids in our area.
In the fall, Bill is head coach of our Junior Football leagues Senior Varsity team and I do the ad book (list of all the teams, schedules and advetisements) for the league. We have done this for at least 10 years. He really enjoys the kids and he is a great coach. (I might be prejudice, I guess!) But because he doesn't have any kids on the team, there isn't any "favoritism" that you might see when fathers are the coach.
I am on the library board and try to push for youth events. We have a great full time children's librarian now and a great summer reading program. I used to work at the library when our boys were little and did the story hours.
In the summer, we both volunteer at the local theatre and do the sets, marquee and t-shirts design for the children's plays. (We didn't get to do it this year though, because LetterRip was the same weekend.)
Our sons' band & two other bands are playing this weekend at the park in town for the teenagers, with a portion of the proceeds going to the Humane Society. We are chaperones and helping with the advertising.
And when customers come in with small kids, I load them up with "stickers". I give them leftover scraps of vinyl, after I make them promise they won't stick them on anything that is not parent approved, like walls and furniture! I show them how they can draw on the back on the paper, reminding them that it has to be in reverse when they cut it out and stick it on stuff. It is usually great customer relations and it keeps the kids busy while Bill is working with Mom or Dad on their project. Kids need good vibes from adults! So many times people complain "What are these kids coming to these days?!" My question is "What are you doing to make sure they turn out to be GOOD people!" [Big Grin]
Posted by Steve Purcell (Member # 1140) on :
BSA Venture Crew Advisor (current Crew: 11 girls & 3 boys, 14-18 yrs)

EMT cert. teaching 1st aid, emergency prep., & wilderness survival to the kids.

In Feb'03, led group of 24 teens to Islamorada for a week-long sailing adventure. [Cool]

Previously, Scoutmaster for 6+ yrs.

I highly recommend volunteering, it beats Government programs every time.

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