For some reason, today I'm having a hard time keeping x-actos and razor blades away from my fingers.. I'm about to call it quits for the day and eat some sugar cookies or something cause I feel like I just gave two pints of blood!
Anyway, I've been using the New Skin liquid bandage and this stuff totally kicks butt!.. stings like hell and makes ya a little woozy if ya sniff it too much, the bonus is it seals up cuts, scrapes, etc and won't come off even if you want it to!
Posted by Steve Aycock (Member # 3612) on :
I've been using superglue for the same purpose for years. I once heard that it was originaly designed for use as a quick bandage during the vietnam war.
Posted by Delzell (Member # 1965) on :
When I saw your post the picture of your very gross leg popped into my head. Glad you have not been skinned just sliced.
I use New skin too and like it better then bandaids since the adhesive bother me.
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
I.......DONT CUT ME!!!!!hahahahahahaha
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
OP, lol.
Yep I've used superglue for the deep cuts, it's good for gluing the skin back together and it has an antiseptic characteristic, but these recent cuts arent too deep, more like scrapes or grazings so the new skin works very well!
Today I cut 3 fingers and somehow ended up with a 5" gash on the underside of a forearm.. I'm still not sure how that one happened! A couple days ago I actually had a set of tweezers go through a finger! A couple weeks ago I was sittin in chat at night and rolled over my big toe with the office chair, splitting the toenail and makin quite a mess!
Deb, my leg still has a purple color from that incident 4 years ago!
Posted by Delzell (Member # 1965) on :
Glad your are able to patch, peice and glue your self back together! But the way your luck sounds right now I am very surprised you did not glue parts together that was not intended Or is that another post as why you like New Skin better the super glue for small cuts because it drys slower!
Are you sure the blue area is not the alien coming out in you?
Glad it healed well enought you can use it! Use is much better then color, huh? Speaking from my knee acting up last few months. Don't care what color it is as long as I can walk on it! The knee cap shot is helping.
Posted by Troy Haas (Member # 472) on :
Mike I wanna see the picture of your leg....
I got one if I can get it scanned in, we can have a contest
Posted by John Smith (Member # 1308) on :
wow... going through my portfolio for pics of severed finger, paint in the eyes, broke arm, another severed finger, nail through hand, another severed finger, huge splinter through hand, still ANOTHER severed finger, fractured wrist, severed toe,,,,,,, oh, and 4" of skin in a belt sander !!!
whew.......... I will be back with the details on stuff I have forgotten about !!!
Posted by Terry Whynott (Member # 1622) on :
John, how do you type with so many missing fingers?
Posted by Gail & Dave Beattie (Member # 572) on :
I recall a hand planner insident which happened BFK (before firstaid kit) clean rags and masking tape where the only answer
I got a fully equipt firstaid box the next day and never hurt myself again!
cheers gail
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
Troy, I'll have to dig around for that pic cause I took it off my website.. but if you like blood, you'll love it!
4 years ago I had an infection in my right leg, exact cause was undetermined, only that it was a bacterial infection from somewhere. It encompassed the area between my ankle and knee, 360 degrees completely around the leg.. and the whole thing swelled up... blistered.. busted open.. then scabbed over, like a hard armor shell completely enclosing my leg.. because it was over a muscle this one giant scab would crack open (which was painfull as hell!) and bleed til it closed itself back up, only to repeat elsewhere.
It took a month to heal which is nothing compared to Troy's troubles, but there was talk of amputation until a sonar test revealed no circulation problems. The scarring was pretty bad, the skin still has a purple hue to this day and it's a pretty tough/thick/leathery skin now.. That section of leg also tends to collect fluid when I'm sitting inactive at the computer all day so I have to massage it regularly to keep it loose... I'm now trying to stay active and away from the computer as much as possible to avoid the swelling.