Does anyone know where to get a hand tool for making 90 degree notches in edge cap. Northern Tools has one but it's about $200.....ouch.
I have a job do do which will need 120 notches.
What do you use?
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
I got mine from Southeastern Sign Supply for $132
Posted by dave parr (Member # 3868) on :
I'll bet you already have a file, eh Wayne?
Posted by Laura Butler (Member # 1830) on :
I think that I paid 190.00 from Wensco. They are my regular supplier so I just called and told them to add it to my weekly order. Then I found out how much it was. Eck! If I had asked and known I might have order and electric one that I had seen at Atlantic City last year. That one was about $300.00. Just put your plastic in the notcher, step on a peddle, and watch it notch it while both hands are holding the plastic steady.
Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
Yes, Wayne, a file. Hold it at a 45 degree angle and file away. Better yet, spend the bucks on the notcher. You will be glad you did.
My wife came with one of her own and it has found a new home at the shop. Unless you are single and find a sign chick with her own tools, I wouldn't suggest that method... LOL!
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
I'd loan ya Byrd, but her beak only makes 40° notches.
[ August 03, 2003, 06:27 PM: Message edited by: Si Allen ]
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
Well, now we the real reason Bruce got married.
Posted by dave parr (Member # 3868) on :
Wayne, We are talking about trim cap, Jewelite, correct? Here again there are as many ways to do a task as there are folks that have successful done it. I have always found that a 10" bastard file combined with other types & sizes, work better for me.
For lettering, some people prefer brushes, others prefer knives and still others prefer plotters. If you become proficient using a file (which won't take long,) you will find that you can do things that the notcher won't do. If you are asking about the Jewelite tool, here is a less expensive one. I don't know about the quality since I don't use them. Folks I know use them and do Ok with them. When you get to this page, look at the bottom of the list.
(Edited 10' to read 10" instead. That would be a darn big file. I'd be going to a notcher too.)
[ August 03, 2003, 07:29 PM: Message edited by: dave parr ]
Posted by pierre (Member # 1462) on :
I paid $100 for ours some time back from Grimco.
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
When was that, Pierre? 1974? LOL!
Posted by pierre (Member # 1462) on :
Oh, well. Actually Lat says is was around 1991.
Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
Thanks Dave, A file might work OK for jewelite but this is the plastic edge cap used for alumalite and nu-alum.stuff like that. I will be putting this on Alumacorr.
No Bruce, my Wife came with only four horses and a dog. No such luck. But it was a mighty good deal anyhow.