A few days ago I received a call from a pin striper in San Antonio who wanted to learn more about hand lettering and layout. He asked about courses and workshops that were available in our area...and there are none.
He wanted to know if I would be willing to show him a few pointers sometime. So, some time in September (or maybe later...who knows) he is going to drive up to my studio and we are going to spend a Saturday learning the basics of hand lettering.
No definate date has been set yet because I am busy with some other classes away from Texas. However, if anyone that is close by would like to join in on the experience I would be glad to have you. Just a one-day thing to get you started in the right direction. We will pass the hat for lunch.
Anyone interested?
Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
Anyone in the Texas area who doesn't jump on this opportunity is nuts! This is your chance to learn from one of the greats (and a super nice guy too!).
Posted by Jeffrey Vrstal (Member # 2271) on :
I was at the 1st LetterRip to witness Ray giving a little seminar on sho-cards. The impression that was burned into me that day is something I will always remember fondly. From what I saw those many years ago, Ray is a wonderful teacher and has SO MUCH to offer anyone. Don't miss this chance! Man, I wish I was in the area!
Posted by Alfred Toy (Member # 3844) on :
Darn. I just want to comment on trying to find suitable lettering tutorials. I'm not looking for freebies, but I've ordered five books from abebooks.com and the quality of instruction varies. I have a Speedball book which was on abebooks but the buyer happened to be in my city so that was OK but a Speedball has the basic strokes and direction etc, but says nothing about clean up strokes. Same with a copy of the ABC's of Lettering by J. I. Biegeleisen, how to do the basic strokes and what to practise, but no clean up strokes. I also got a copy of the Basiks of Lettering by Bill Boley, that is really not much help for a beginner at all.
One other comment is on the topic of spacing, the books that I have barely touch on the topic but I have a video by Ken Millar which goes into more detail on spacing and how to do it.
Its readable but it would take one of the more experienced sign writers on this Bullboard 5 minutes to draw the different basic strokes and a little tutorial so that newbies can start practising right away without having to wade through inconsistent books. Would it not be possible to do this tutorial and put it into pdf form for downloading? This way we don't have to be concerned about copyright issues. I took some video of Bill Reidel lettering, so I can go over that video and with the books I have I've got a bit of a head start, but for others interested that can't get to a Letterhead meet or to Ray Chapmans it would be a bit of a start.
I only wish that I had gotten Bill to go through the various strokes and practice exercises when I had my camcorder and then I could have made the video available for download. Next time or maybe when I get to Mike Meyers in Feb.
[ August 02, 2003, 04:44 PM: Message edited by: Alfred Toy ]
Posted by Linda Silver Eagle (Member # 274) on :
I was blessed with excellent art teachers all through school and got to learn things I wouldn't have if they hadn't been so open to our desires, in regards to what we wanted (read: desired more than breath itself, LOL) to learn!
I was fascinated with calligraphy and was able to start sign painting as a result when I was 14. I was lucky to have learned from a man who had been slinging quills for 20 years, when I met him, and able to learn everything he had to teach me.
One thing I learned at the few meets I have been able to attend, it doesn't matter how long you've been in the business, there is always something more to learn! Being able to meet talented folks in this business is priceless!
To whomever is reading this and wondering if they should go, I say get your car keys (now!) and update us when you get back!
[ August 02, 2003, 04:29 PM: Message edited by: Linda Silver Eagle ]
Posted by Bill Biggs (Member # 18) on :
Keep us posted Ray, I go through Temple occasionally, Often wondered who did all those nice signs. I would love to come up and participate. Not sure if I can, depends on when, Please Advise! Bill
Posted by Glenn S. Harris (Member # 2190) on :
Where's Temple?
Posted by PKing (Member # 337) on :
Here is your chance EVERY BODY! Thanks Ray I was getting frustrated with all the "I can't afford" "I can't find someone to teach me"
I would like to offer the same proposal to anyone in the Alabama area at a date to be determined by those interested.
Hope this helps someone
Posted by Don Coplen (Member # 127) on :
Startin to sound like this movement's gettin back to its roots.
Bravo, guys!
Posted by Don Hulsey (Member # 128) on :
Hey Ray,
I am close enough to Texas that I will do everything I can to be there if you give me a date. Not sure about Temple yet, (will check the Atlas tomorrow) but Houston is only 16 hours and El Paso is only 26 from here. Temple can't be much farther. I have no doubt it would be worth the drive.
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
You guys are awesome. I have to agree with Don, back to letterhead roots!
Posted by Robert Beverly (Member # 1907) on :
You know me...of course I will be there!....
I just got back from a 3 day course over at Joey's in airbrushin...(what an experience)and I just can't seem to get enough!!!!!
but I am trying to make Bob Bonds meet...so let me know the schedule!
as for where....it is one hour north of Austin and about 3 hours south of Dallas on I-35
Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
I'm very interested, Ray. I'm just north of Houston.
Posted by Joe Rees (Member # 211) on :
Ray, where the hell were you when I was learning this stuff! Lol, the old guys acted like I was going to steal their soul if I peeked at their technique. Hoo'RAY' for your spirit.
Posted by Andrew Duncan (Member # 3149) on :
Please keep me informed if you have a seminar...i would love to attend..
Posted by Kent Smith (Member # 251) on :
Ray is the best, period.
Posted by Raymond Chapman (Member # 361) on :
Thanks for all the nice words. It seems a little greedy to receive pats-on-the-back for doing something that you love.
Since several have expressed an interest, we just might make it a Friday and Saturday which would give us a little more time to practice - maybe do some panels, and have a short course in layout and design. Anyone that wants to share what they know can have center stage. No frills, no t-shirt (unless you make your own), and everyone would be on their own for meals. I guess I could spring for the coffee and do-nuts.
For now, let's think about November 7-8. It will be cooler in Texas by then and the back of the shop will be a little more comfortable.
Twenty years ago this November, I hosted the first Letterhead meet in Texas, so this could be like an anniversary for that event.
Uh-oh, what am I getting myself in to?
Posted by Don Hulsey (Member # 128) on :
Careful Ray, you might start hearing whispering in the corn field. "If you host it, they will come." by the thousands. They won't know why, but they will just show up on your doorstep.
Going to mark the calendar now.
Posted by Chris Elliott (Member # 1262) on :
Hey Ray, that's an offer I can't refuse!! I'll see y'all there!! (sure sounds like a "back to the basics" type meet that's irresistable)
When I saw your offer, memories of watching you letter this panel came to mind. So, thanks for the memories so far & I'm looking forward to seeing y'all again!!
Posted by Kathy Joiner (Member # 1814) on :
You have no idea how badly I wanted to go to Orlando and sit in on your workshop there, but just can't afford it at this time. THANK YOU! November sounds great, and Temple is closer. This is a real opportunity to learn just what I need.
Posted by Robert Beverly (Member # 1907) on :
It sounds like you have created a Monster!...
it should be much fun!
Posted by John Zant (Member # 1619) on :
Ray, If I can work that out I'll definitely be in attendance. Give me a chance to get to Graham and see my parents to boot. Please keep us informed!
Posted by Steve Levitt (Member # 3906) on :
I'm down in Okeechobee, Florida and your not that far from me, let me know when you would be willing to teach me something and I'll be there!
Thanks for the offer!
Posted by Bill Biggs (Member # 18) on :
WaHoo, I'm open Nov 7&8 Ray, I'll be there with bells on, If you need me to bring anything let me know. I will bring a bottle of Texas Wine for sure. Bill
Posted by Steve Levitt (Member # 3906) on :
Bump!! I think this needs to be kept at the top.
Posted by CJ Allan (Member # 52) on :
Sounds GREAT Ray............ There's a few people I've been wanting to meet.........One in particular!!
Posted by Frank Magoo (Member # 3950) on :
CJ....let me see, who could that be? hmmmmmm, thinkn'.....yup, I think I have the answer. But, I will get to see em first, so you can have the leftovers, heh-heh. Sorry ol buddy......frank
Posted by D.Bernhardt (Member # 1568) on :
Hi Ray....a wonderful opportunity. I often wonder about the training and value that many of us received as BC (before computers) signwriters. My take is that there are tons of things that were learned at the same time as painting hundred and thousands of helvetica "S's" weekly! I sure hope you are gonna show your hand painted helv. "S"
Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :
If I showed up and actually learned something, would you have to stop teasing me about the fact that I cannot hand letter?
Naah... some things will never change.
I'll check my schedule.
If I recall, twenty years ago you said you would host another meet the following year. Oh well, what's a couple of decades between friends? Maybe the faded memories is what is getting you into this again.
(Edited for comment on first Letterheads meet in Texas.)
[ August 23, 2003, 03:02 AM: Message edited by: David Harding ]
Posted by Sue Avery (Member # 686) on :
I am so looking forward to being there! Hope to meet some of the people I have admired from afar.
Sue Avery
Posted by Raymond Chapman (Member # 361) on :
David, what a great memory you have. Yes, I did say that we were going to do it again the next year...but you know how time flies. Twenty years later is good enough, I guess. When you learn how to hand letter I will quit kidding you about it, but then I will probably find something to take its place.
This started out to be just a lettering class for a few folks that wanted to drop by. And, I guess, it is still that, but just a little bigger.
We just got back from Florida after doing the Sign Business show and visiting with family. Now, its back to the routine. It was good to finally meet Don Coplen, although I now have a sore neck from having to look so far up to see him.
I'll keep everyone informed on the gathering in November. Anyone who would like to drop by is invited. I know that's a dangerous thing to say, but it should be fun.