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Posted by Pierre Tardif (Member # 3229) on :
Pete Payne's mother died yesterday after a long disease. Him & Marj were very close to her and they take care of her until the end. I know that Pete & Marj have a lot of good friends here at Letterville. Funeral are this week-end.
Posted by Ken Henry (Member # 598) on :
A Death in the immediate family is never easy to take. My sincere condolances to Pete, Marj, and their family.
Posted by Barb. Shortreed (Member # 1730) on :
Pete has sure had his share of heartache this year. It wasn't that long ago he lost his Brother and now this.

Peter and Marj are pretty special to many of us here in Letterville. When Steve had his first heart attacks, and things were piling up at the shop, Pete and Marj would often show up to help out with the work and stress.

"We were just in the neighbourhood anyway!" they would explain, dispite the fact their home and shop is 80 miles from Fergus. That's just the way these people are and we love them for it.

When someone in Letterville is hurting, we all hurt along with them. All our prayers and blessings are with Pete, Marj and their young family at this time.

[ July 25, 2003, 05:00 PM: Message edited by: Barb. Shortreed ]
Posted by Raymond Chapman (Member # 361) on :
My thoughts and prayers are with you both.

When I found out that I was to conduct the funeral services for Rick Glawson, some of the first people to call and wish me well were Pete and Marj - they are just some very special people.

It's never easy to loose loved ones, but please know that you both will be cared for and the burden will be not be more than you can bear.
Posted by Shirley Carron (Member # 2446) on :
My deepest condolinses to you Pete & Marg...

I've spoken with you often and have heard in your voice the concern and hurt over Pete's mother.

I am sorry for your loss.
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
Pete and Marj,

Our deepest heartfelt sympathies for you and yours. We are very sorry to hear of such a great loss.
Posted by AdrienneMorgan (Member # 1046) on :
I'm also sorry for your loss......we are here for you if you need anything, just ask.

Posted by Randy Campbell (Member # 2675) on :
My condolances go to Pete and Marj.on your loss and God bless.
Posted by Robert Carney (Member # 2016) on :
You have my deepest condolences Pete, Marg and family. I am so sorry to hear of a great loss to such caring people.
Posted by Bob Darnell (Member # 27) on :
I'm very sorry for your loss.
Posted by Laurie Goretski (Member # 3821) on :
Pete and Marj,

Andy & I are so very sorry to hear of this. I do hope you find peace. You are special people to us, and many others.
Posted by Colleen Henderson (Member # 906) on :
Thoughts & prayers are with you Pete & Marj. You are special people to a lot of us.
Posted by Denis Tardif (Member # 3237) on :
so sorry, god bless.
Posted by Pete Payne (Member # 344) on :
Thanks to all you folks out there that have left the kind words.
We have had one heck of a year In May 2002 my father passed away.
In September 2002 my 44 year old brother finally got married to a wonderful woman and was very content and happy finally.
In January he went for a routine angiogram and he ended up dying 5 days later devistating us all.
Shortly after that we lost my mentor Rick Glawson.
My mom after having to deal with the death of her son, died of congestive heart failure in her own home with all of us by her side last tuesday.
She was trying to stay with us till her grandaughter wedding which is this Saturday the 02 of August but it was not meant to be, we will miss them all so very much but we must realize the blessing we all have as well, our three beautiful children and so many people that have wished us well.
We hope to see many of you in Quebec City at Pierre's French Kiss a brush, hey Pierre did you know you can get any size of aluminum blank you want at Canadian Signcrafters Supply!!!!!

[ July 31, 2003, 03:52 PM: Message edited by: Pete Payne ]

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