after you select,copy,and paste an item into another image can you resize the pasted item. thanks gene
Posted by Bob Gilliland (Member # 28) on :
Yep! One of the fastest ways is [CTRL]+[T] if PC based, or [CMD]+[T] if on the Mac.
Posted by Bob Gilliland (Member # 28) on :
Sorry, should have been a bit more helpful and descriptive.
From the Edit drop down menu, there are two entries, one for Free Transform (which is what I suggested above and gets you there much quicker the “mouse-ing” around), and an entry simply called Transform that also offers additional options from a flyout menu. Depending what you want to accomplish will determine which is the best route to go.
To learn more about the topic, do a “search” inside the Help file, [F1], using the keyword Transform. This will give you some insight into what can and can’t be done, and how to and how not to do it. Posted by gene (Member # 514) on :