I happened to stop into chat one night about a week ago. Chris Welker (Kissymatina) asked me if I could receive UPS shipments. A day or two later, she e-mailed me a UPS tracking number. So I've been watching this mystery package come up from Pennsylvania, get stalled at the border, finally get across, only to be shipped to the wrong delivery center yesterday and FINALLY showed up at work today! Chris had read a reply I had made when Mike L. was on Monster Garage, that the show wasn't being played up here in Canada till later in the fall. The mystery package was a video tape of the show!
Along with the tape was a really nice note that made my day. I could probably count the number of times on one hand that Chris and I have chatted. This was simply a nice gesture from one Letterhead to another and really got me thinking this afternoon about what a great place we have with Letterville.
I had a great time with the big panel swap. I had the chance to "meet" so many of you guys and enjoyed tons of messages back and forth with you. I'm not real great with meeting new people in person but Letterville has allowed me to get to know you all, so that when we meet up at a meet, you won't be strangers!
I love this place. I can't really understand why so many frequent Letterville but don't participate. I saw Steve mention the other day that the site has up to 15,000 hits a day! WOW! Why don't you people join in??!!
There's so much amazing talent out there. So much knowledge to be shared and so many questions to be asked. Jump in, introduce yourself, ask some questions or help someone out.
I probably spend way more time than I really should here, but I can't help myself. Letterville Rocks!
Thanks again Kissy!
Posted by Troy Haas (Member # 472) on :
Really nice job Chris!!!!! Way to go!!!
Terry, When are we starting the next Panel Swap???
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
Gee, thanks Terry. I've worked hard at building my mean rep as one of Steve's angels. Now, you have to go tell everyone I did something nice, ruining all my hard work. See if I ever do anything like that for you again. hehe
Glad you got it in one piece. Enjoy. Just bring it to Quebec so the rest of the canucks can watch it. Maybe we can get Pierre to set up a tv/vcr for a few minutes.
Posted by Robert Larkham (Member # 2913) on :
Terry, sort of the same thing happened to me. I posted a month or so ago about needing a new pounce wheel for my 4B. I didn't get any responses and I came home the other day to a phone message from Jill Welsh. Well, she thought it was me who needed one said she would be sending it on it's way. Yesterday the package came. Jill refused to be paid for the wheel. This is the letterhead spirit alive and well. Since Jill won't take any money I'm going to be forced to panel her.
Posted by pierre (Member # 1462) on :
You're going to panel Jill?!? Cool! WIll there be video?
Posted by Terry Whynott (Member # 1622) on :
quote:Terry, When are we starting the next Panel Swap???
Kidding right?! Is the first one even over yet? Don't be looking at me for the next one to start. If someone else wants to get something started, go for it!
As far as Jill and Chris go- must be something in the PA water making them that way.
Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
Kissy! We all know you are a Nasty Girl.......
But then again we know your a person with a Warm Heart..
May the Luck of the Irish Elf grant you your wishes.
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
quote: Since Jill won't take any money I'm going to be forced to panel her.
Ha Ha, I'd pay five bucks to see that just once. Man, I gotta go find my Foxworthy tapes....
Posted by pierre (Member # 1462) on :
So I come all the way back in here....take the time to log in... take the time to scroll down to this post and Jill STILL hasn't been panneled! And not only that there's NO VIDEO!! Geez!