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Posted by Sunny Holtzlander (Member # 4012) on :
I was looking at some of the past meets, and it looks like great fun!
I see a lot of hand lettering and painting going on there.

I do no painting whatsoever. I only do vinyl, and Gerber Edge prints. Plus I do screenprint apparel.
Is this still something I would qualify to attend?

[ July 21, 2003, 03:48 PM: Message edited by: Sunny Holtzlander ]
Posted by goddinfla (Member # 1502) on :
It wouldn't matter if you mowed lawns for a living, you WILL enjoy yourself and learn a lot. Anyone is welcomed at a meet and made to feel included.
Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
Are "vertical"..."breathing"... "interested in people that will befriend you"?

_________yes to one of the three above!

_________no to all the above!

If you anwered yes...I'd say you qaulify for all of it...

Whats everyone else think? On second thought who cares what anyone else thinks... come have a good time... enjoy the fellowship learn
the buzz'll find something or some one you like (maybe even both)and we'll be the richer for it!

There hows that for an invite? [Smile]
Posted by Don Hulsey (Member # 128) on :
You do need to be careful though, after a few meets you may find yourself buying brushes.
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :

Dana and my's first date was a Letterhead meet. I ended up marrying her! Just think what attending a Letterhead meet could do for you...
Posted by Sunny Holtzlander (Member # 4012) on :
hmmm, well, I already have a husband...
Do ya'll take trade ins? [Big Grin]
Posted by Joe Rees (Member # 211) on :
Sorry Sonny, no trade-ins, but if you come alone, there may be demo units available. If you bring your spouse to a meet, you'll have to behave yourself (unless you're Steve).

Kidding aside, there is no 'qualifying' except an open mind. It's not the tools but the 'tude that counts. I'm sure there'll be other Edge users to swap tips with. Just being exposed to the different styles of work and ways of achieving it will give you tons of new ideas and energy. Jump right in!
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
Not only will you have fun and meet others that use the same is a good way to learn how to use a brush!
A surprising number of vinyl/print people are now using a brush, because they went to a meet! Just about any ol'brusher will be more than willing to teach you the basics!!!

See ya at the next meet! [Smile]
Posted by Dave Draper (Member # 102) on :
More than painting goes on. Carving signfoam, sand blasting, glue chipping, and gold leaf are featured at some meets. Those are things you could learn and increase your product line and make a buck or two....besides have a great time learning. You will learn what goes into making very creative layouts and use of color.

I think you qualify if you send in the money. Money is the big qualifier. [Smile]
Posted by goddinfla (Member # 1502) on :
The first meet I attended in 1988 in Ft. Myers there was a wedding. Vince Balistreri married Trish who he met at a letterheads meet, I believe. (don't bring it up to him now)
Posted by Ray Rheaume (Member # 3794) on :

Along with all of the above, there are discussions of how to operate a sign shop sucessfully, pricing and many other useful topics that tend to pop up along with many tips and tricks of the trade.

Last meet I went to, I dropped a panel in the driveway and it wound up turning out cool despite the obvious mess thanks to the knowledge of those at the meet.

Go. You'll be glad you did.

Posted by Sonny Franks (Member # 588) on :
Here's another way of looking at it: If you hang around talented, knowledgeable, friendly people, some of it's bound to rub off on you.

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