Have recently finished my latest artwork I've got some pics of it, and they turned out ok, although the canvas was leaning back.. I know there are some errors in it, but I am pretty happy with it, overall
[ July 20, 2003, 09:06 AM: Message edited by: Kookaburra ]
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
nice ass!
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
Actually I thought it was going to be a kitten, so I was going to settle for checking out the torso. I haven't done any paintings in a very long time, & never any that good.
"Nice work" is what I meant
[ July 20, 2003, 06:38 AM: Message edited by: Doug Allan ]
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
yah Doug we KNOW what you meant hahahaha
And nice work!!!! Posted by pierre (Member # 1462) on :
You guys can see them?? Why can't I get in?
Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
Pierre, I can't either. I think Katie is blowing smoke in our faces. She didn't paint anything. This is a scam. Notify Shortreed!
Posted by Frank Johnson (Member # 4030) on :
Remove the "www." from the address.
Posted by Chris Elliott (Member # 1262) on :
It's not just you, Pierre. All I get is those dang Yahoo/GeoCities "can't access from outside" pages!! Perhaps some of ya lucky folks that got in can post these?? Posted by Kookaburra (Member # 254) on :
damn geocities... gimme a few minutes, I'm going to find somewhere that works...
[ July 20, 2003, 08:57 AM: Message edited by: Kookaburra ]
Posted by pierre (Member # 1462) on :
That's it! Dump the WWW. Whoa!!! Katie! Surely not a self portrait!! How do you do that backwards anyway??
heh................. Cool schtuff, Kitten.
Posted by Kookaburra (Member # 254) on :
Noooo, not me... I *wish* I looked that good
Hopefully people can see the pics now?? *cross fingers!*
Kat Posted by pierre (Member # 1462) on :
Those aren't Shirley Temple dimples on her cheeks!!
Posted by pierre (Member # 1462) on :
Ok, lets wait for some comments, then I'm going to give you a real critique. I'm a graduate of The Academy in SanFrancisco (first two years) and Kunstschule Westend in Offenbach am Main Fine Arts and Graphics school.(4 years) I believe I'm qualified.
[ July 20, 2003, 09:17 AM: Message edited by: pierre ]
Posted by Kookaburra (Member # 254) on :
*cringes* I know that it is far from perfect... I know of all the little problems with it; lighting not perfect (but I've always had a problem with that.. learning gradually and getting a little better... this would be the most accurate yet ( which tells you just how bad I am with it)), the styles within the piece are a little mixed (it was done in a few seperate sittings), and don't quite gel, the arm is wrongly shaded, and the forearm is a little outta wack... just to name a few of the errors. However, I do believe that it is better than my earlier pieces... Dontcha just hate it when you look at pieces from even just a couple of years ago and cringe? Yipes.
Well, anyway... critique away I'm learning each day, and my pieces are getting much better from what they used to be like.. cross fingers that they will only get better
Posted by pierre (Member # 1462) on :
Don't cringe. A good critiqe is not a "criticism". It's instructional. Lets hear from some others first.
Posted by Don Coplen (Member # 127) on :
Speaking of instructional critiques, I highly recommend the book "The Art Spirit" by Robert Henri. Essentially, it's a collection of Robert Henri's critiques that he gave his students. It contains a massive amount of useful information on every aspect of painting, as well as some very interesting thoughts about art in general.
[ July 20, 2003, 10:58 AM: Message edited by: Don Coplen ]
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
I think Doug nailed it with his critique. The shading is nice. Overall it has a nice feel to it. The legs look a tad thick but you really captured where the leg joins the hip. Nice job.
BTW... I think you are better looking than the model. Besides true beauty isn't what you see, it's the intangibles.
Have a great one!
Posted by Chris Elliott (Member # 1262) on :
Thanks Frank!! That did the trick!!
Hey Kat, it looks like you've been doing your homework. NICE JOB!!!
edited to include the note: "My comment is not to be considered a professional critique since I lack any substantial formal art training. However, I have studied the subject of the female form on an informal basis for many years and am delighted to be able to enjoy the progress of a delightful young artist as she continues her education."
[ July 20, 2003, 10:02 AM: Message edited by: Chris Elliott ]
Posted by Kookaburra (Member # 254) on :
Bruce: the painting is leaning back... the SO photographed it, and it is not sitting straight.. that is why the legs look so thick (when in fact, if it were standing properly, look properly in proportion) The lower half of the body is a bit larger than it should be though
And I know that critique is not critisism
Will be starting another nude tomorrow... hopefully this one will turn out better.
Posted by Frank Johnson (Member # 4030) on :
I don't know about the rest but i like big legged women.....(to much Zappa me thinks) Keep up the good work!!!
Posted by pierre (Member # 1462) on :
Ok, kooks. Lets look at it. Begin with the muscles running down her back. Conformation is good, but the positioning is a bit too far to the right. Perspective will tell you that the muscle group on the left will be narrower because the right group is in the foreground. Its actually only the bottom portion of that muscle group that carried on a bit too far to the right. Minor, but it makes an optical difference. Where the armpit area joins the body a curve INto the torso is apparent. Anatomically this would be less of a curve. The curve gives the impression of that area being out and away from the torso more than is natural. The left buttock cheek has the impression of being larger than the right. From a perspective standpoint it would normally be smaller as its in the relative background plane. I understand the camera/painting positioning, but the lower area of the thigh would still be a bit smaller at the junction of the knee. Try to show more muscle in both arms and legs. Picture nothing but muscles, shade/highlight those areas and then consider the skin covering as contouring those muscles. The other things are minor and not particularly disturbing.
All in all you're doing well. Your control of light is improving. I would like to see you repeat this painting using yourself as a reference for pure muscle configuration. An identical painting from a rendering standpoint, but use a set of double, full length mirrors, paint it in the nude using the mirrors as a control for muscle and proportion of your own body. Set them up with one to the right of your canvas and the other behind you to the right as well. Don't look at the overall effect of your reflection. Begin with a pencil/charcoal shaded drawing taking one section of your torso at a time concentrating on the muscles. You can do this if you position your mirrors correctly.
Illustrate (in the same original perspective) your back, right arm, buttocks and legs. Pay particular attention to muscle and how they lay together to form your back, legs and arm. This is not a request. THIS IS A BONAFIED, CERTIFIED, REQUIRED LETTERHEAD ASSIGNMENT!!
You will receive a group grade. A kind one I'm sure.
Ok, Kooks!! Set up those mirrors and break out that charcoal! (and turn up the heat!)
Posted by pierre (Member # 1462) on :
Kooks, go to my website and look at the muscle tone in the "Houdini" engraving. The pic on the net doesn't show all of the real detail, but it does show the large muscle groups. www.stmariegraphics.com/houdini.html Posted by Troy Haas (Member # 472) on :
All I see is little red X's
Tried in Netscape too, nothing there....
Posted by Don Coplen (Member # 127) on :
Dammit Troy! Pay Attention!!!!
She painted some canvases of little red X's. Obviously you haven't been keepin up with modern art.
Posted by Fred Weiss (Member # 3662) on :
She's over her "Daily Usage Limit". Posted by W. R. Pickett (Member # 3842) on :
Red X's here too. But have to agree, nice ass.
Posted by Tim (Member # 1699) on :
Theres a big dilemma, I see no big legged Emma!
Posted by Kookaburra (Member # 254) on :
Thankyou for all the comments (especially the one from pierre which is helping with anatomy.. This is the first picture where I have really played with the pose, and I've always struggled with side and angled views of the body... so all help is appreciated ) Trust me, I've been trying... gotten out every book on anatomy, life drawing, drawing the nude figure, everything, and am taking classes this semester which deal with the same... drawing from a person is so much better than drawing from a photo or something.
For those who can't see the pics up top, try these addys.. some can see it, some can't it seems..
To actually see the pics from there, there is an 'album list' over to the left.. click on 'new pics' and then on any of the pics in there that you want to see.
[ July 20, 2003, 07:40 PM: Message edited by: Kookaburra ]
Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
Katie, can't see it either. now you have my interest...
Posted by pierre (Member # 1462) on :
Deb, just follow her login instructions. It works.
Posted by Keith MacConnell (Member # 4031) on :
In another post the topic of design and what it's worth came up.. I'd like to change my opinion. Brushes: $15 Canvas: $28 Paint: $21 a bunch of Letterheads dicussing the subtle nape of an ass neck: Priceless.
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
We're proud of you Kooka! You are definitly improving. Keep it up!
I can't resist telling you all about another Resident Perk. If you are sick and tired of dealing with the agravation of Photo Island and other photo posting services, this is for you.
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