Just back from this mornings run about picking up signs that need repair or replacing from the aftermath of our weekend storm and had a client drive by honking his horn and waving with this big grin....Just prior our meet this past weekend had a frantic phone call from the local dealer that a Red truck had arrived and needed the stripes put on it right away...I kind of hinted we were trying to prepare for the meet and couldm't it wait til this week...and of course the dealer needed it done right away...so away we went... The owner of the truck (Zack) came round to see his new arrival and see how the stripes and colors he picked were looking...Had him hold a stripe or two as he was standing there anyway...He says man I don't know how you know how and where to put these...But he went away happy and I was able to finish up....The truck needed to stay in the dealership as they still had a lot of details to take care of, running boards etc...Well today he got his truck and when he saw me he was honking and waving with this huge grin...This Man is celebarating his 80th birthday this weekend...but the man I saw behind the wheel of that red truck wasn't 80 but 16...that truck could have been a million dollars but that look....PRICELESS...Man if every job went away from the shop like that, I'd know I was in heaven.
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
YES!!!! Guys like that make your day!
Posted by mike meyer (Member # 542) on :
Pat, Did you introduce him to Helga?!!!
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
Amazing how 1 customer like that can make up for 50 PITAs.
Posted by Murray MacDonald (Member # 3558) on :
I'm not surprised - everyone we met in Unity was so friendly - can't imagine you ever have an unhappy customer. Deb
Posted by Masterhand Signs (Member # 785) on :
Mike he hasn't yet met Helga...but if he feels like 16 now what will he do when he sees her!!!And guys your right it sure did make me day thanks...
Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
Posted by Dwayne Hunter (Member # 133) on :
When they leave like that, you understand why you keep on doing what ya do. I just left a local car show, and while there, I got to hang out some of my customers, who seem to become friends in one way or another. It just makes you feeling like giving more...
Posted by Bernice Tornquist (Member # 16) on :
Pat, what you have done and have gone through in the past while, you deserve MANY of those PRICELESS moments.
Thanks for a good meet!
Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
Please post pictures of truck and Helga!
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
Yep.. this past weekend I met a good number of happy customers at the latest Round of the National Tour (jetski races), many of them it was my first time meeting them in person but they had ordered something through my website.
I always sit on the beach right behind the starting line so I see everyone as they line up, and whenever I recognize my work I make it a point to go introduce myself to them before the race gets started. I always get a funny look when I call their names to catch their attention (yeah I remember everyone!) but it's instant friendship after a handshake.
Now I can't even walk through the pits area without someone shouting my name ("stickerpimp" or "pimp" for short - LOL). This past weekend I snuck into one of my customer's enclosed trailers (we've become pretty good friends) and applied a decal of her name and a checkered flag to the front of the handlepole on her jetski - something I wanted to do as a surprise when I had her ski at my place but didnt have the time. She caught me coming out of her trailer, someone that didn't know me spotted me sneaking in there and told her about it.. hehe. I guess she was pretty excited about it, 'least that's how I'll interpret the "squealy clappy hoppy dance" she did.. LOL
Posted by Bernice Tornquist (Member # 16) on :
Santo, just check out the 'Past Meets' in the purple strip menu on the left...you'll see all the pictures.