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Posted by De-Signs by Stacy (Member # 3758) on :
Hi Again,
One more question. I am very allergic to chemicals. I only do vinyl lettering but I have to use a cleaner to clean the vehicle first. I am using a prepsol or Kleaze easy that I purchased from Napa. I have had very good luck with this prep with no one telling me that my lettering is falling off. But I can't really use it. Does any one know of any cleaner that would take the wax and dirt of that wouln't be so bad for me. I know that everything is pretty strong smell out there but would like to know if anyone else has my proplem and how they solved it.
Thank you,
De-Signs by Stacy
Posted by pierre (Member # 1462) on :
Probably Roger's Rapid Schtuff is more user friendly, but Stacy, aren't you using rubber gloves anyway?? My girls have standing orders here. NEVER....... never use any solvent without gloves.
All that schtuff has an odd effect on me too over the years. I'm incredilby suave and good looking until someone enters the room, then the chemical kicks in and I get all klunky and homely. Years of unprotected chemical use have caused my tragedy.


Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
Have you tried Rapid Prep from It has a fruity smell instead of a cleaner smell. Roger should be chiming in here soon.

Yeah, what Pierre said about the gloves, especially if the allergies affect your skin. I have allergies & some of the strong cleaners really make me congested. The Rapid stuffs don't do that & do a great job to boot.

[ July 14, 2003, 09:46 AM: Message edited by: Kissymatina ]
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Thank you, thank you very much !
Pierre and Chriss are correct, very very friendly yet strong cleaning products. [Eek!]

e-mail your street address for free samples;

Roger [Smile]
Posted by pierre (Member # 1462) on :
Stacy, when dealing with Roger........ ALWAYS wear gloves!


Posted by TransLab (Member # 470) on :
Gloves enough, Pierre? I thought full EPA suit might be needed...

... just kidding..

Haven't yet tried rapid prep, but now that my vinyl supplier carries it, I now use rapid tac for those things that are best done wet.. [Wink]

Note to speed press owners, cleaning the film with diluted rapid tac can extend film life by a factor of 4. Biggest problem with the speed press film losing tack is dust, cleans easy..
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
Stacy, I've been using Rapid-Prep for several years and have found it to be by far the best grease and wax remover there is. Most of my work comes from dealerships where whatever wax their detailers use, Rapid-Prep removes it. You can follow their directions until you find a deticated rag used only for Rapid-Prep as I have. I buy Rapid-Prep in a 5 gallon container and swear by it.

Thank you for your past email.
Posted by De-Signs by Stacy (Member # 3758) on :
Thanks for all the information. I have e-mailed Roger to send me a sample of this. As far as me being allergic to the chemicals its when I'm breathing it that gives me the problem. I get hives and vertigo. I'm not always able to wear a mask when I'm cleaning my surface. But I will take the advise and put on those GLOVES too!!!
Thanks for the help.
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