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Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
I'm still dreaming at the ranch... and having loads of fun doing it.

The building inspector gave us the go to start our footings (footers for my friends Stateside) We proceeded to trench up the carefully laid gravel we had placed over the last few days.

At this point in time you really have to use your imagination to visualize the shop/studio. But walking around the trenches & stepping over the forms I can see it clearly. It's going to be just the right size.


I'm most excited about the studio... We decided on a split level studio with my creative area four feet higher than the meetng area. The ceiling will start at 14 feet and be vaulted. The library will go up that high with one of those cool rolling ladders to access the higher volumes. (Always wanted one of those!) The hundreds and hundreds of collectibles and remembrances of my travels will at last have a proper place for display.

I decided to face my desk out the windows to enjoy the view. It will wrap around the huge bay window and face to the east. We also included a good sized south facing deck off the studio.

The final version of the building has morphed a little... now it will look like this...

My dad who is helping me, asks me every morning if he can have a current version of the plans. I can now tell him that it won't change too much more... I promise! [Smile] But just maybe it might work better if we added ...



[ July 13, 2003, 08:57 PM: Message edited by: Dan Sawatzky ]
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
Dan you are an inspiration for what I want to be when I grow up, at 37 I still have no clue when that will be. lol
Posted by Judy Pate (Member # 237) on :
Looking good,Dan! Glad you are having loads of fun...looking forward to more pictures of your progress!
Keep having fun!
Posted by James Donahue (Member # 3624) on :
Dan, if a neighbor of mine did something like that, it would be the coolest! Imagine what that will do for the area. Folks be drivin' by in the middle of July, like they wuz lookin' at the christmas lights! You might start a residential trend. You'll have to franchise and be almost the next Bill Gates. Ha! Picture a swimming pool area themed "Dan Style."

I'm not mocking, I really do like your projects.

And please, if you havn't already mentioned it, please tell me there's lot's of fire extinguishers around, or an automated system for all those books and stuff.

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