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Posted by Cpack (Member # 2011) on :
Has anyone tried the new krylon paint for plastics? I was thinking of trying this on coroplast signs. When I have an order for less than 10 this sounds like the way to go. I have been doing them in vinyl but when they are doubled sided I think that process is too slow. Does anyone have another suggestion or have you tried this paint on coroplast? [Big Grin]
Posted by Tim (Member # 1699) on :
....would you believe....

just bought some yesterday to test out for a simple flame paint fade today. Cut my flames in mac 8300 orange, sprayed bottom red, top yellow, and then while its still wet, a shot of frog over everything till glossy. It was dry enough to weed in 5-10 minutes. The vinyl was still soft and it weeded like the best of premium vinyls. Within the next 10 minutes, I masked and applied to some banana banner. Transfer taped peeled off with ease, and lifted no paint.
I was amazed at the speed it dried, although it is about 80 degrees here today.

So upon seeing your post here, I ran out and gave a chunk of coro a blast. I sprayed the end of a 3" x 20" piece still covered evenly, flipped and repeated, then flipped again and heavy coated. After 2 minutes it is dry enough to handle, after 5 minutes it will lightly scuff with a fingernail, and after 20 minutes seems to be bullet proof!

I am gonna try it out on banana banner next and see if I can save a step and spray directly.

I also noticed that it sprayed much smoother. Must be a better nozzle or something, the droplets are far smaller than the old stuff and produce a much finer blend.
Posted by DONALD THOMPSON (Member # 3726) on :
I used it similar to how Tim did. I tested a flame job on yellow vinyl sprayed with red. The fade in the middle to orange looked great. I used High tack transfer tape and nothing peeled up. I waited about an hour before taping. I didn't know it's drying time. I haven't tried it on corroplast though. How would using it on DS corr be faster than vinyl?
Posted by Terry Baird (Member # 3495) on :
I used it this morning on a fade and it worked great. I never had much problem with the old Krylon though...
Posted by Cpack (Member # 2011) on :
Thanks for your replies. Don, I thought it might be a little cheaper. I haven't priced the paint though. I am doing a few political signs and when a person wants the signs a shade of blue with white letters, I just thought it might be easier. I have an awful time with using a sheet of vinyl with the letters cut out and placing the whole sheet on the coroplast sign. No matter what I do I still get bubbles. Also I have trouble with the blue coroplast fading. I have had to replace (2) 4X8 foot signs at our ballpark. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Dave Sherby (Member # 698) on :
Now this is really funny. After Krylon was bought out and the formula was changed, there were several warnings posted here on the BB about how the new formula would not stick to vinyl.

Just goes to show you. Don't take everything you hear as gospel, and test it out yourself.
Posted by Tim (Member # 1699) on :
Dave, we are talking about the new krylon fusion brand which they market specifically for plastics. The regular krylon apparantly had changed its formula, but I was and still use it with no problems. Just had to try the new stuff, and I like the finer spray I seem to get out of it.

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