Anyone know of a supplier of finials that has a horse as a finial? Weird request, but if you don't ask, you don't get! Or, someone with enough talent to carve them....
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
You might try to find one of the novelty chess sets with the 8" high pieces and use the knights as the piece you need.
Just a thought...
Posted by Linda Schmidt (Member # 2337) on :
Chuck- when I get home tonight I'll check some catalogs I have- one company sends me their catalogs on wrought iron deck railing, fancy gates, etc. I seem to recall seeing something with metal animal finials.... I'll check. It was laying around here for a week- just took it home the other day. (Of course, now it's probably lost).
Posted by Bob Stephens (Member # 858) on :
Give King Architectural Metals a call at 1-800-542-2379 and ask directly. I'm looking at one of their monthly sales catalogs and I see they have squirrels, steer, and roosters. Perhaps they have something in a equine design.
Posted by Linda Schmidt (Member # 2337) on :
Chuck- Bob named the catalog I was referring to so now I don't have to go home and look through my "stuff". Good luck!
Posted by Chuck Gallagher (Member # 69) on :
Thanks for the help all and Bruce that's a pretty good idea!
Take Care.....
Posted by Robert Beverly (Member # 1907) on :
sorry you missed our meet I could have shown ya how to make it, mold it, and cast them suckers all day long...that's where the money is...but I do use King metals all of the time for schtuff...especially since their in my backyard!
Come on down some weekend and I will show ya how!
Posted by pierre (Member # 1462) on :
aHA! That will be elevnteen dollars and thirteen cents for the unauthorized use of the proprietary word, "schtuff", Bob!
Posted by Robert Beverly (Member # 1907) on :
Gosh Pierre
I actually do think I got that from you!
SEE YA IN COURT BUDDY!... Posted by pierre (Member # 1462) on :