I just changed from a rural dial-up isp to high speed cable service and I think I am in heaven. I just can't believe the difference! wow
Posted by Steve Barba (Member # 431) on :
I just did that last week after years of dial up! I know what your going through........
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
Roy an easy way to tell is, in heaven It'll be totally wireless hahaha
Posted by Linda Schmidt (Member # 2337) on :
Roy- I have broadband now- I'm so excited about it. I was the second one in town to get it and my enthusiasm about it has created a nightmare for the techs that do the installations- they can't even to begin to keep up w/ the requests for it. Feel like I've been living in the dark ages.
Posted by sam kinnear (Member # 3937) on :
No kiddin , techno stuff is amazin, I just got me a new puter that made the one I bought with the cutter look like a geezer that just ran fifty miles.
Posted by Kathy Joiner (Member # 1814) on :
Congrats Roy. It would be very difficult to go back wouldn't it? I remember when I was so excited to get a 56k modem and thought it was lightning fast.
Posted by Joe Rees (Member # 211) on :
I'm with you Roy, I feel like the guy on the TV commercial that tells everybody he bumps into "Ive lowered my cholesterol". I've had it about a month now, and every day I still marvel at it. This is what the internet was supposed to be like.
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
unless you found a SHONEY'S there.....it aint HEAVEN!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA