We just got our new 60" Roland SolJet and wish to announce our new full color capabilities with mailers and vew vehicle decor.
I am polling people for the first five objects that come to mind when one hears the word colorful. Or in other words, what are the first five things you would name to describe 'colorful'.
One woman reeled off about 3 articles of clothing-which sparked an entirelt differnt line of thought.
How about some of you other 'creatives'. How do you picture 'colorful'?
Thanx for your thoughts.
Posted by Ken Henry (Member # 598) on :
Colourful, to me, is a hillside of sugar maple trees in October that have all turned to red/gold/orange brown. It's a sunset in February when the low hanging clouds turn purple and are highlighted in the most intense red/gold colours against a sky that blends from turquoise to a pale milky blue.It's a kid's beachball, being gently tossed by waves onto a beach of sand...wet and reflecting the sun's rays. It's the lime green shoots of the first Spring Crocuses and the purple/lilac flowers pushing up through the earth, and contrasting with the last bits of snow still melting.It's also the colour you find in your firstborn's diaper when you get up to change them at 2:00 A.M.
Posted by Bill&Jane Diaz (Member # 2549) on :
Some one who is "interesting" (David "Herbie" Estes, Steve Estes or my husband) 60's tie-dye Van Gogh My favorite quilt AND Football games
Posted by Peter Schuttinga (Member # 2821) on :
Don Cherry in one of his tartan sport jackets.
Posted by Kathy Joiner (Member # 1814) on :
Pierre's hair?
I always think of a tropical sunset. Orange orange orange.
Bird of paradise
Tropicana rose (orange)
Parrots & Macaws
Bright florals with lots of lush foliage
Posted by Arthur Vanson (Member # 2855) on :
Someone with a faintly dubious past.
Posted by Karen Sartain (Member # 241) on :
Hey Ethan..."Colorful Colorado" of course! At least that's what the big signs say as you enter our lovely state. I guess next I'd have to say flowers since I'm sitting here at my desk looking out on all my roses that are blooming profusely right now (one beauty of a red one was 6" across! and a scent to die for...I guess our drought of last year really sparked the desire to grow/show this year with the rains we've been blessed with), next I'd have to say Arizona sunsets which as you know are the best ever, next would be the color of hair (don't laugh...it's amazing the colors and highlights that are naturaly occuring in a head of hair) and last but certainly not least is the color of a rainbow, fresh and stretching all the way across the valley where I reside.
So Caliber has gone really hi-tech with color printing..outstanding! I missed seeing you all this summer, but I think I'll be down in October for a painting workshop. In the meantime, as always, give my best to all the Caliber crew and tell Ruth I still have her rocking chair saved on my front porch Come on up whilst the roses are still blooming
Posted by Bruce Evans (Member # 44) on :
is a rainbow too obvious?
Posted by goddinfla (Member # 1502) on :
Reef fish.
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
Dana. Posted by Bob Stephens (Member # 858) on :
Natures Palatte!
Posted by Nancie W. Phillips (Member # 3484) on :
Mexico...or just about anything mexican. Hot air balloons on a bright, crisp day Clowns Tropical fish & birds My dream studio A children's playroom
Posted by Nancie W. Phillips (Member # 3484) on :
Oh, and I forgot...Duckie!
Posted by Mark Matyjakowski (Member # 294) on :
Do I win?
Posted by Myra Grozinger (Member # 327) on :
Almost everything imaginable. I constantly see color - in everything. I'm passionate about color, even when it's b/w and shades of gray. Took this photo a couple of weeks ago in Florida. May not be fair to post this, but share my joy anyway.
Posted by J & N Signs (Member # 901) on :
My wife's eyes which are at the end of a rainbow.
Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
Geeze Mario...guess you're not sleepin in the shop tonite eh?
I have to go with Karen on this one "colorful" meant Colorado...(never to be home again)of 35 years.
Beautiful but entirely to cold and snowy for my tastes these days.Karen will defend it of course ...so I'll remind her...she's not lived in Colorado in the winter for the last 5 or so years that I recall. (correct me if I'm wrong Karen).
With all that being said...I'm heading there the end of next week to meet my (by then) newly born grandson...I'm sure he'll be colorful too!
Then I'm headd back to Oklahoma...the greenest place short of Ireland this year...(too much rain).
[ June 14, 2003, 09:08 AM: Message edited by: Monte Jumper ]
Posted by Karen Sartain (Member # 241) on :
Yes Monte, ya got me there...haven't had the luxury of being in my own cozy home for the last few winters...you describe winter just like Jeff does! Of course now that he's getting older, he lives in the past alot All he remembers about winter is several long winters in Leadville (elevation somewhere up near God) and Gunnison (always the coldest place in the nation). Babies, that's what ya are! You've just never lived on the GOOD side of the mountains We acyually have very mild winters here in Paonia...might get a few good snows each winter, but normally it disappears within a day or two. And as for below freezing temps, we have some days, but that's only cause all the fruit trees need it to make all those cherries, peaches, apricots, plums, pears and apples that we enjoy Now, doesn't that make ya just want to take just one tiny quick trip over to the GOOD side when ya come back to Colorful Colorado to see the new lad? Heck, he'll be sleeping most of the time and you'll just be in Grandma's way I'll even nab that ball willow start for ya! Just turn at Glenwood and head on over McClure for one of the most beautiful drives on earth to downtown Paonia Double dog dare ya to "just do it!"
Posted by Bob Burns (Member # 268) on :
KARYN BUSH!!!(That's a TRUE complement, Karyn)
Posted by James Donahue (Member # 3624) on :
Looking down into a bunch of dixie cups with one-shot paint in them.
Posted by Jon Aston (Member # 1725) on :
Just about anything by Pat Metheny / Pat Metheny Group...colourful and textured...and rich...and pure.
Sorry. I know that doesn't help with the task at hand...but the next time you're "blocked" you might give Pat Metheney / PMG a try. Take your time and get to know it. Well worth a listen.
Posted by Ray Rheaume (Member # 3794) on :
The gumball machine when I'm doing my part time gig as a bouncer.
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
.....sunsets/sunrises......rainbows.....little girls hair barrettes/clips.......balloons, and some people's personalities!