I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to do a color fade in Corel 11.What I need is to be able to show the dots.This will be for a silk screen print that we are recreating on a PC60 Roland.The print has dots that are about 1/16 th of an inch in diameter.Size of print is about 6" X 14".One part is opague and another color is transparent,but the third is a progressive fade from solid to nothing.The first 2 parts I have down but the dots is the trick part.Try as I might I can't find any way to do this.Thanks for any help or advice Steve
Posted by Dave Johnson (Member # 2535) on :
Steve, Are you doing this in Draw or Photopaint?
Posted by SteveDefibaugh (Member # 2245) on :
I'm trying to do it in Draw.That's what I've worked in for about 6 years now.I'm not well versed in Photo.Other then playing around with photos for my Bulldog website.
Posted by Dave Johnson (Member # 2535) on :
Check Corel's help file on screen, screen frequency. See if you can come up with anything there. I'll post here again if I can come up with anything.
Posted by TransLab (Member # 470) on :
Steve, do I have this straight.. ?
You wish to create an object out of 1/16 dots that are densly packed enough at one end so as to appear solid, then progressivle increasing the spacebetween the dots, both vertically & horizontally untill they appear to fade to nothing?? The overall size of the object to be 6" x 14"? and the dots are to remain 1/16" in diameter throughout
[ June 09, 2003, 06:29 PM: Message edited by: TransLab ]
Posted by Joe Rees (Member # 211) on :
I just did a test that might work for you...
Give the blend object a gradient fill from 100% blact to 100% white, then convert it to a bitmap, Edit in Photopaint, Image/Mode/Halftone and change the dot pattern to Round/16 lines per inch. It makes something like this:
It's not perfect round dots, but it will screenprint fine.
Posted by Joe Rees (Member # 211) on :
Whoa, wait a minute - this is a lot better- Give your object a gradient fill, convert to greyscale bitmap, edit in PhotoPaint; Effects/Color Transform/Halftone. These are the nice round dots I think you want. Pretty cool. I didnt see a way to specify an exact dot size though, slider from 2 to 10. Hopefully it will work for your needs. You might have to convert this result to a high rez black and white before printing out. Play with it.
Posted by SteveDefibaugh (Member # 2245) on :
Just want to say thanks for all the help.Joe hit it on the button.It works perfect.After beating my head on this computer for about 6 hours I decided to post it here and as always someone comes to the rescue.I've been coming to this board for a long time now to get tips.It's time to become a resident even though I'm not in the sign business.I can't help but have admiration for all the talent on this board and a little(actually a lot) of envy for the artistic talent I see here.I try to contribute when I can but have limited skills as I'm in the manfufacturing sector.Again THANKS for all the help. Steve