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Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
Hey all...
I know I've used it often enough I should be able to track it down. It seems that I have been using fuzzy scans to get ADA layouts approved, then I just get Scott Signs to make the signs for me. Now I need to cut some about 2' tall for a highway directional sign in a State Park. I did a quick re-draw to get some clean lines, but not sure if I've deviated from the "true" form if there is one.

Decided to see if anyone has one(a royalty free one [Smile] ) that I can use?
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
Posted by jimmy chatham (Member # 525) on :
is this the ones
for the men & womens
Posted by Dave Johnson (Member # 2535) on :
This link is for the MUTCD 2002 Standard Highway Signs manual. I believe what you are looking for is under the guide signs section. The appendix has reproduction art.
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
i think there in corel.......
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
Yes Jimmy, the restroom ones. Actually these are like an outhouse icon with the men & women icon, but I can make it from the regular men & women restroom people.

This is what I got so far. I'm sure it is good enough, but if it is not completely correct, I figured right before cutting 24" ones is the time to get myself a correct icon.

Thanks for that link Dave. They got almost every highway sign I have ever seen in thoses pages... trouble is I never saw this sign on the highway. but the basic restroom icons will do it.

I'll check Corel.

*edit* nope, Corel has there own whacko looking dude & dudette.

I'm just up from a 3 hour nap on the shop floor after working till 5AM, I think I'll wait on cutting this till this afternoon. I like to put in the ocassional late night trying to get ALL my production done after one of those weeks where it takes 8 hours a day just to deal with all the walk-ins, phones, paper work, bids etc. etc. (& the bb B.S. of course)

[ June 06, 2003, 02:16 PM: Message edited by: Doug Allan ]
Posted by Dave Johnson (Member # 2535) on :
I tried your email link and couldn't get thru. Email me and I'll send you what I have.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
Thanks Dave (& Bill) for your emails. The vinyl is cut & looks good.

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