We are holding a meet for those that run the Gerber Edge July 12 (Saturday) at my shop in Bloomington, Illinois. This will run as an enhancement to the LetterRip Letterhead meet just 20 minutes South that will be in full swing in the little village of Atlanta, Illinois. (there will be a pre-meet party at our shop on Thursday the 10th for Letterheads that arrive early and want to "hang out")
The Edge Head meet is a FREE meet, no frills, buy your own lunch, type of meet.
We know this is a bit far for some to drop everything and travel here, Letterhead wise or Edgehead wise. So here is an idea:
We have a great idea if there are some willing to send panels.
So, what I would like to do is have as many that are willing to make an Edge print of their most creative or interesting sign/art work and send it to be put on display for the neet.
Send your print in a spent core vinyl tube and I will peel off the paper backing and squeegee it down to 1/8 white masonite (marlite) panel, as I have lots of it.
Subject: your choice. At Letterhead meets, panels projects range from auto cartoon art to pinstripes, a chart of "ABC' (styles) to 57 Chevy tail fins. Dream Catchers, feathers, sultry women and cartoons.
At an Edge Head meet, the above would translate into lettering styles created in Adobe Photo Shop, or Lettering with enhancements from EYE CANDY 4000. High resolution art work created in Adobe or Corel, digitized art, and whatever your imagination can dream up. And of course: neat signs. You could even do a layout on a theme of "2003 Midwest Edge Head Meet"
The emphasis should be creating the best possible effects that print at the clearest resolution possible for an Edge print.
SIGN YOUR WORK (digitally of course) in the lower right hand side. Please provide a business letterhead with your company name, address and phone and a type out a brief step by step of how the project was created. We will attach this to your panel for viewing.
Deadline for the panels: July 4th 2003. I need to have the panels ready to show off to the "Letterheads" on Thursday the 10th, and then for the Edge Head meet on the 12th.
We will photograph the panels and post them for viewing. I have every intention of sending in a story to SBI magazine with all the pictures, so you may see your work in the magazines.
Send tubes to this secure address:
Draper The Signmaker P.O. Box 3005 Bloomington Illinois 61702-3005
You have about 50 days. Gasp!
I will see if we can get some reps to come in. (Some of those reps might already be here for the Letterhead meet.
It sure would be nice to have Omega 2 up and running for a demo. I think it would be neat to have a computer hooked up to a projector so we could all view it on my overhead garage door.
You comments and suggestions welcome:
[ May 09, 2003, 07:41 AM: Message edited by: Dave Draper ]