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Posted by Mike McCloud (Member # 766) on :
is there a way to spray or lightly frost the edge of a bitmap all the way around? I need to find some sort of a spray tool that will give me a large, soft, transparent ivory cast to the edge of a grayscale bitmap all the way around the edge.
Posted by Dave Draper (Member # 102) on :
In Corel PhotoPaint...

Effects / creative / vignette

long time to see Mike! [Smile] Tried to call you last week to say hi. You must have a new number!
Posted by bronzeo (Member # 1408) on :
bitmaps/edit bitmap/corel paint..... set your transparency and your soft edge. spray away, hit save, and it will change your bitmap in corel draw. Use the eyedropper tool to choose the color in corel paint. Jack
Posted by Joe Rees (Member # 211) on :
Innit funny how everyone has their own way of doing things.
One of the things I love about Corel is how it lets you use multiple methods to get very similar results. Anyway, here's one more...

First of all Mike, if you've already got the bitmap on a page in Corel DRAW (version 7 or newer), you can assign a transparent vignette right from DRAW sing "bitmaps/creative/vignette". The presets are a little rigid, for instance I don't care for the way it makes a noticible star pattern when using the square or rectangular vignettes. For more control, the bitmap can be edited in PhotoPaint "bitmaps/edit bitmap". PhotoPaint will launch, with the bitmap visible, and you can draw a mask for the furthest edges of the fade you want. Then select "mask/feather/inside" and assign a number of pixels for the mask to fade.Then you need to delete anything outside that feathered area. To do that, invert the mask "mask/invert" and hit the delete key on your keyboard. Invert the mask again to get back to your nicely feathered image and hit save. The custom feathered transparent vignette will pop back onto your DRAW page like magic.

As in all things Corel - save your work BEFORE performing that operation, and if you think there's any chance of messing up your bitmap, make a copy of it and work on the copy. I can't tell you how many times both those steps have saved my butt.

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