Just need a referral for a customer out there. May not amount to anything but I don't know anyone in SC to refer and I don't do neon.
Posted by Robb Lowe (Member # 2121) on :
where in south carolina? Here in Spartanburg we have 3 shops that do neon, good bad and ugly!
Posted by DONALD THOMPSON (Member # 3726) on :
Robb, What is the name of your shop in S'burg? I am from Laurens and my mom lives in S'burg. Would love to stop by sometime to visit. I had a panel Jam 3 weeks ago. I wish you could have made it. I am planning to have one again next year. I have a soure in S'burg also, but I don't have the number here at home. It is at work. Call for the number 864-682-7810. This guy is Vietnamese and lives in Clinton, but has a shop in S'burg. He did one for me that I have in my shop. He did a custom font for mine that looks pretty good. Donald