I have created a drawing for customer approval that has dimensions indicated with arrowheads applied to a line (menu>effect>stylize>add arrowheads).
Now each time I draw another line in this document, arrowheads are automatically applied to all new lines. How do I turn this filter off? Have I missed something here?
I am running version 9/Mac.
Thanks, Curt Stenz :
Posted by Don Coplen (Member # 127) on :
Curt, whenever I have a problem with any program...I will delete the preference file for that program from my system folder. Then restart the program. In this case, Illustrator.
Preference files recreate themselves, just like lizards regrowing a tail. Sometimes these files become corrupted, and this is the fix.
I'm not necessarily saying that this will fix your problem, but it is the first thing to try...and does the trick 99% of the time. (I just made up the 99%....but you get the idea. )
Posted by Jeff Green (Member # 3508) on :
Deleting the preferances is always a good idea I find. But, I have one thought, the arrow heads may still be selected in your brushes tad/window. Deselect that, and it should stop putting arrowheads on your lines. I am pretty sure that is the problem.
Posted by Alan Ackerson (Member # 3224) on :
Possibly the style menu. Delete all of the presets (similar to Don's suggestion) but within the app.
Posted by Philippe JACQUES (Member # 664) on :
The problem is in the setup of the Appearance palette. Any effect is listed in this one for any objject. This palette is a wonderful tool but it need to be learn.
You will find a triangle at the top right corner of the palette. Press the mouse there. A menu appears. Now look for "New art has basic appearance". Keep this option checked and your problem will disappear.