I have to repaint a large sign foam sign that has faded out a bit through the years. The background has a grain-frame texture to it.
Any tips on how to clean the sign before repainting?
Posted by Steve Nuttle (Member # 2645) on :
Take it outside and use a stiff brisle nylon brush and soap and water. Make sure that it thourghly dry and have at it!
Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
We do pretty much the same thing except we use bleach.
Mix 1 part bleach to 4 parts water. brush it on the sign, wait no more than 10 minutes, and hose it off completely with a garden hose. If there is any mold or mildew etc. the bleach will get it.
Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
The answer is in the Wind! And I would take it my Friend.
Nothing better then a (Good Back Scrub) with mild agents. Allow to dry and off to the Races You Go!