G'day everyone, just a reminder that the 1st aussie panel jam being held in Renmark South Australia at Rivergraphics and hosted by Brett Sunstrom and myself is coming up real fast so we would love to get some feel on numbers expecting to come and play. We have has heaps of phone calls etc but just would like to know who is definately coming.
Please reply here, email me or brett(info on future meets page here)or fax or call one of us.
We hope to see ya there
May 2nd, 3rd and 4th are the days of the meet
Rod and Brett
Posted by David O'Hanlon (Member # 2754) on :
Won't make it but my panels are almost done.
Posted by Jon Butterworth (Member # 227) on :
Hiya Rod
Sorry, but don't think I can make it, as much as I would love to play with all the goodies I brought back fro USA!
Trip sucked the guts outa "play money" hahahhaha Plus work has got sorta serious here.
Even Cairns this year is on hold pending A... time off and finance. B... Monte and Patsee coming down, or Steve and Barb, or even RT Then it's all GO! We have delux resort accomodation on our "time-shares" for up to 3 couples for a week no charge. Matter of getting there.
What happened to the idea tossed around in Sydney about getting Branson to turn on a Letterhead flight from Adelaide to Cairns via Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane? Return for graphics on it? You going to get some experience with BIG plane graphics I believe
Anyway, best of everthing for your meet ... be there if I win Lotto!
Posted by Gail & Dave Beattie (Member # 572) on :
wish we could make it too Rod, but now that 'he would blows things up' works for a living, we have to be nice to the boss to get time off
I know you fella's will have a great time without us I can't wait to see the pictures
jon, i spoke to john hadfield yesterday but forgot to ask him if he'd had any luck with the big aree-go-plop concept
susie has sent me the logo for cairns and i will have it available asap for those that need it
oh and while i'm on the subject... guess what one of the great ideas floating around the far north are for the friday night of the event???
NEKID LADIES... (well the top half anyway) to serve you lot ya beer, and to get painted on by sum of the more daring of the bunch now if thats not a bonus i don't know what is!!!
anyhoo, back to the topic rod n brett n crew, have a great time
cheers gail (aka mum)
Posted by R T Thomas (Member # 355) on :
I'll be arriving in Adelaide on April 27th at 4:15 PM!! Please come and get me!! hahahahahaaaaa......I wish!! I hope you guys have a blast and be sure to take lotsa pics. I wanna see all the stuff that goes on "down there".
See ya, R.T.
Posted by david drane (Member # 507) on :
Sorry Ticks, No luck here either, as I am saving up for Cairns. Have fun anyway!!
Posted by Ian Stewart-Koster (Member # 3500) on :
Sorry- love to, but I'm in the bad books with the wife (too much play and not enough work!)- I owe her a holiday. She'd like Cairns in October.... Need a few 'babysitters' though, to make it affordable. That weekend is taken up with a big Heavy Horse Field Day at Gatton in Qld too. With enough warning, I'll try & make the next one. Best wishes Ian S-K
Posted by ticks (Member # 575) on :
Hi Guys, Thanx for the replies. I noticed only the queenslanders have replied here and all are saving them selves for the cairns meet.(RT is a exeption hehehehe) That I can understand fully as I know what its like to travel long distances to attend a meet. The reason for this meet was to have another excuse to have a meet in australia thats pretty central as far as Australia goes and is 5 or 6 months apart from the annual meet. We dont really expect people to travel from the far away states but would love yaz here all the same. This meet is shaping up to be bigger than we expected as it was going to just be a few mates and who ever else decided to rock up on the day and paint and tell lies. I will be taking pics on the weekend but dont know how to do a spread on it in a web page format but some how you get to see some pics somewhere. Signs of the times have showed interest so far and tell me they are doing a spread on it.
I'll try to keep ya posted.
Its all go here and having trouble keeping up but looking forward to the meet and hope to see as many as possible there.
Posted by Gail & Dave Beattie (Member # 572) on :
rod just send me anything you want on a webpage and i'll it up for ya bro!